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  • Textbook
Elementary GLOBE: The Colors of the Seasons
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0.0 stars

Using a color chart, students will make observations outside during each of the four seasons. During each session, they will try to find as many colors as possible and record what they see. As a class, they will make charts describing the colors they find in each season. At the end of the school year, students will compare their results and generate conclusions about variations in colors in nature both within a season and between different seasons. The purpose of this activity is to provide the opportunity for students to make observations in nature and compare their results, to help students understand seasonal changes as they relate to colors in their environment, and to engage students in active observation and recording skills. After completing this activity, students will understand how colors in nature relate to their local environment and to seasonal changes within that environment. Students will practice observation and recording skills, make comprehensive comparisons, and will form a hypothesis based on the information they have assembled throughout the school year.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
Elementary GLOBE: To Spread or Not To Spread
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0.0 stars

A learning activity for the "Do You Know That Clouds Have Names?" book in the Elementary GLOBE series. Students will explore the difference between the three types of contrails, make observations of contrails outside, and record their observations. Fifteen minutes later they will make follow-up observations to see how the contrails they observed have changed. The purpose of the activity is to help students identify contrails and learn to distinguish between the three types of contrails and to understand that contrails are human-made and some contrails become clouds in the sky. Students will be able to (1) identify the three types of contrails; (2) understand that contrails are created by jet airplanes; and (3) understand that some contrails become clouds.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
Elementary GLOBE: Cloudscape
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0.0 stars

A learning activity for the "Do You Know That Clouds Have Names?" book in the Elementary GLOBE series. Using information from the book and their observations, students construct a sky scene with trees and buildings as reference points on the ground and cloud types ordered by altitude in the sky. Students will describe clouds using their own vocabulary and will then correlate their descriptions with the standard classifications of cloud types used by the GLOBE Program. The purpose of the activity is to help students identify some of the characteristics of clouds and to enable students to observe clouds, describe them in a common vocabulary, and compare their descriptions with the official cloud names. Students will be able to identify cloud types using standard cloud classification names. They will know that the names used for the clouds are based on three factors: their shapes, the altitude at which they occur, and whether they are producing precipitation.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
Chemistry and the Environment
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A Chemistry Perspective for discussion of Environmental Issues

Short Description:
Chemistry and the Environment is designed as a resource to accompany lectures for an Environmental Studies course that explores current environmental issues from a chemical perspective. It was edited from the OpenStax book Chemistry 2e.

Long Description:
Chemistry and the Environment is designed as a resource to accompany lectures for an Environmental Studies course that explores current environmental issues from a chemical perspective. It was edited from the OpenStax book Chemistry 2e.

Chemistry 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. The textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of chemistry and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. The book also includes a number of innovative features, including interactive exercises and real-world applications, designed to enhance student learning. The second edition has been revised to incorporate clearer, more current, and more dynamic explanations, while maintaining the same organization as the first edition. Substantial improvements have been made in the figures, illustrations, and example exercises that support the text narrative. Changes made in Chemistry 2e are described in the preface to help instructors transition to the second edition. The first edition of Chemistry by OpenStax is available in web view here.

Word Count: 166210

ISBN: 978-1-7777612-7-1

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Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Winnipeg
Date Added:
Elementary GLOBE: Earth System in a Bottle
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0.0 stars

A learning activity for the "All About Earth: Our World on Stage" book in the Elementary GLOBE series. In pairs, students will create experimental conditions in terrariums in order to study what plants need to live. Variables to study include the presence or absence of soil, water, and sunlight. Students will record the growth of radish plants as well as observations of "the water cycle" in their terrariums. At the conclusion of their experiments, students will share their results with the class and discuss how water, Earth materials, and air are all necessary to support living things. The purpose of the activity is to acquaint students with the hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere more closely, to have students use microcosms to study natural phenomena, and to introduce students to the concept of a "fair test" in a scientific investigation. After completing this activity, students will know about the importance of the hydrosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere in supporting the biosphere. They will learn how to set up "fair test", record detailed observations, use drawings as scientific records, make sense of experimental results, and share them publicly.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
Topics in Sustainable Community Development
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Long Description:

Cover Photo by Darwis Alwan from Pexels

Word Count: 5321

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Alsha Paul
Ayse Berina Sumer Bolaji Komolafe Geraldine Cortes
Celina Rosario Poco Michel Marroqu N Ian Muldong H H
Ekta J H
Ilse Fick
Julie Anne Salas Tammy Cunningham Christian Brazel
Kendra J
Stanton Victoria Moedano Marco Sardea Ka-jahna Berry Somi
Date Added:
Elementary GLOBE: Honing in on Hummingbirds
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0.0 stars

In this activity, students will record a list of things they already know about hummingbirds and a list of things they would like to learn about hummingbirds. Then they will conduct research to find answers to their questions. Using their new knowledge, each student will make a hummingbird out of art supplies. Finally, using their hummingbirds as props, the students will play charades to test each other in their knowledge of the ruby-throated hummingbirds. The purpose of this activity is to provide students with information on ruby-throated hummingbirds, provide students with the opportunity to conduct research on hummingbirds in topic areas that interest them, and to provide students with opportunities to share their knowledge with other students. By completing this activity, students will gain knowledge about ruby-throated hummingbirds. They will also gain experience researching a topic of their choosing related to hummingbirds and communicating those results in several different formats.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Date Added:
To Catch the Rain
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0.0 stars

To Catch the Rain is targeted at makers – DIYers looking for practical solutions to water problems for themselves or their communities. The book also provides an excellent overview of rainwater harvesting for students and teachers in environmental science, sustainable design, international development and engineering.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lonny Grafman
Date Added:
Soils Laboratory Manual
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

K-State Edition, Version 2.0

Short Description:
The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is designed for students in undergraduate, introductory soil science courses. The manual highlights the multidisciplinary aspects of soil science with laboratories focused on soil formation, classification, and mapping; soil physics, soil biology; soil chemistry; and soil fertility and management.

Long Description:
The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is designed for students in undergraduate, introductory soil science courses. The lab manual highlights the multidisciplinary aspects of soil science with laboratories focused on soil formation, classification, and mapping; soil physics, soil biology; soil chemistry; and soil fertility and management. The lab manual includes 16 different chapters, each one starting with an introduction and pre-lab assignment, followed by in-lab activities, and complimented by a post-lab assignment. In-lab activities involve field trips, experiments, observation stations, or problem sets. Post-lab assignments include online quizzes, problem sets, or laboratory summary reports.

Version 1 of the lab manual was quickly established as a go-to manual for introductory soil science courses, and was adopted for use by hundreds of soils instructors from around the world. Expanded, updated, and reorganized, Version 2 represents a significant revision to the lab manual, and exhibits a completely new design with improved functionality and accessibility. In addition to a PDF, Version 2 is available in MOBI and EPUB eBook formats and as a web book. A new laboratory, the SoilWeb Field Trip, was added to Version 2 along with significant revisions to the Compost Facility Field Trip and Soil Carbon and Respiration laboratories. The recommended readings in each laboratory now include links to free, online resources in place of conventional textbook reading assignments.

The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is used in introductory soil science course at Kansas State University, and is based on the Soils Laboratory Manual, NC State Edition used at North Carolina State University. The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition was originally published by New Prairie Press in 2017, and was included as a supplement to ‘An Open-Source Laboratory Manual for Introductory Undergraduate Soil Science Courses’ in Natural Sciences Education, Vol. 46:170013, https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/nse/articles/46/1/170013. Supporting materials, assignments, and instructor versions of the lab manual are available at open.soilscience.info. The lab manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Digital copies of the Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition Version 2.0 are available for download from New Prairie Press at no cost.

Word Count: 72416

ISBN: 978-1-944548-35-3

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Colby Moorberg
David Crouse
Date Added:
Informal Calculus
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

With Applications to Biology and Environmental Science

Short Description:
This book is an approachable introduction to calculus with applications to biology and environmental science. For example, one application in the book is determining the volume of earth moved in the 1959 earthquake that created Quake Lake. Another application uses differential equations to model various biological examples, including moose and wolf populations at Isle Royale National Park, ranavirus in amphibians, and competing species of protozoa. The text focuses on intuitive understanding of concepts, but still covers most of the algebra and calculations common in a survey of calculus course.

Word Count: 37976

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Material Type:
Tyler Seacrest
Date Added:
Cortina Térmica Sustentável
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0.0 stars

Este guia prático ensina o passo-a-passo para a construção da Cortina Térmica Sustentável. Ela foi feita com material de descarte da merenda escolar, caixa de leite, e reutilizado para construir a cortina, que tem como função refletir a luz solar para fora da sala e amenizar o calor interno. Foi um resultado promissor e que resolveu um problema coletivo escolar e ambiental. Tem fácil replicação e com custo baixo. Ganhou premiação na MILSET BRASIL em Fortaleza e depois credencial internacional para se apresentar na Expo - Sciences International - ESI 2019, em Abu Dhabi, nos Emirados Árabes.Foi um produto Educacional resultante da pesquisa de mestrado da autora, Giselly Alencar, com Orientação da professora Valéria Sandra de Oliveira Costa e Patrícia Smith Cavalcante e com colaboração do professor Marcelo Cairrão Araujo Rodrigues - UFPE. 

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Valéria Sandra de Oliveira Costa
marcelo rodrigues
Patricia Smith
Date Added:
Climate Lessons
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0.0 stars

Environmental, Social, Local

Short Description:
Climate Lessons was co-authored by first-year undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute while exploring the influences of Earth systems and human systems on climate change and the communities at most risk. The book highlights key interests and insights of current students in their quest to create a better world. Cover: Kris Krüg, World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth - Cochabamba, Bolivia, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Long Description:
Climate Lessons was co-authored by first-year undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute while exploring the influences of Earth systems and human systems on climate change and the communities at most risk. The book highlights key interests and insights of current students in their quest to create a better world.

Cover: Kris Krüg, World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth – Cochabamba, Bolivia, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Word Count: 47609

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Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Marja Bakermans
Date Added:
Curso de Educação Ambiental para Docentes da Educação Infantil
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0.0 stars

Este curso é um produto educacional de uma Pesquisa desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Rede Nacional para o Ensino das Ciências Ambientais (PROFCIAMB), da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, e tem como objetivo fornecer conhecimentos que auxiliem no ensino de questões ambientais para crianças, principalmente as que estão vivenciando a primeira infância.

[Translation of summary: This course is an educational product of a research developed in the Graduate Program in the National Network for the Teaching of Environmental Sciences (PROFCIAMB), at the State University of Maringá, and aims to provide knowledge that helps in teaching environmental issues to children , especially those who are experiencing early childhood.]

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Bruno Douglas Moreno Gomes
Date Added:
Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

How can we produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences? To evaluate the various energy options, we must understand the science of each potential energy source and energy use technology. This book presents the science in an easy-to-understand way to enable readers to make informed decisions about what is possible and practical, and to choose lifestyle options to implement in their personal lives.

America and the world face daunting questions about how we produce energy and how we use it. Conservation and improved energy efficiency can help reduce energy requirements, but cannot halt the steady increase in energy consumption. An increasing world population and increasing energy appetites in emerging economies will create competition for energy resources for all nations.

The possibilities for future energy production include fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal, oil sands, and oil shale), biofuels, solar, wind, hydro-energy, geothermal, and nuclear (probably fission and possibly fusion). Each of these sources has relative advantages and disadvantages.

The problem is to produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences, especially climate change. In order to evaluate the potential of the various energy options, one must understand the basic science that underlies each potential energy source and energy use technology. This knowledge will enable us to determine what is possible and practical and, maybe more importantly, what is impossible or impractical.

Fortunately most of the pertinent science is old, well established and, for the most part, quite simple. This science provides a framework into which one can insert real data and draw conclusions. Without such quantitative assessments, claims about capabilities of the various energy options must be viewed as unverified assumptions rather than hard facts. This book presents the essential science in an easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive way.

A big change in the ways that we produce and use energy is inevitable. Informed choices will help avoid waste, avoid unnecessary disruptions in our lives, and avoid undesirable environmental effects. The purpose of this book is to help the reader make informed decisions about which energy production technologies to support and which energy use technologies and lifestyle options to implement in his/her personal life.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
University of Tennessee
Thomas W. Kerlin
Date Added:
An Introduction to Waste Management and Circular Economy
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0.0 stars

This introductory textbook provides an essential interdisciplinary guide to waste management and circular economy. It helps students to understand the drivers of waste, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of waste generation, and best practices and technologies for waste management, recycling, energy recovery and disposal. With helpful, full-colour diagrams throughout, each chapter includes learning objectives, introduction to concepts and themes, exercises and review sections, to guide students through the book. The textbook is ideal for teaching environmental engineering and science, as well as interdisciplinary environmental programmes.

Applied Science
Material Type:
UCL Press
Date Added:
Global Perspectives on Industrialization
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course will focus on the emergence and evolution of industrial societies around the world. The student will begin by comparing the legacies of industry in ancient and early modern Europe and Asia and examining the agricultural and commercial advances that laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution. The student will then follow the history of industrialization in different parts of the world, taking a close look at the economic, social, and environmental effects of industrialization. This course ultimately examines how industrialization developed, spread across the globe, and shaped everyday life in the modern era. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: identify key ideas and events in the history of industrialization; identify connections between the development of capitalism and the development of modern industry; use analytical tools to evaluate the factors contributing to industrial change in different societies; identify the consequences of industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries in different societies; critique historical interpretations of the causes and effects of industrialization; and analyze and interpret primary source documents describing the process of industrialization and life in industrial societies. (History 363)

Social Science
World History
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added:
Elementary GLOBE: We all need soil!
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0.0 stars

A learning activity for the Scoop on Soils book in the Elementary GLOBE Series. Each student will explore three activities that promote understanding of and respect for soil. They will generate responses to the following questions: "What makes up soil?" and "What lives in the soil?" Next the students will watch a demonstration of how much soil there is on Earth that is available for human use. Last they will create their own soil connection sentences. The purpose of this activity is to introduce students to the importance of soil and why it needs to be studied, to help students understand how much soil is available on Earth for human use, and to help students understand the connection between soil and how it is used by living things. After completing this activity, students will understand the importance of soil science, comprehend the relative amounts of usable soil that exists on Earth, and learn the function of soil as it pertains to animals, plants and humans.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
CSR Communication and Cultures of Sustainability
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
In this introductory book on CSR and Sustainability Communication, we discuss the evolution of the sustainability story in corporate, political, and environmental discourses as well as paradigms and theoretical approaches to better understand communication about, of and for sustainability. The textbook follows a strategic communication perspective and offers practical examples and exercises for making sustainability and related issues accessible and comprehensible, for co-creating social change. The book offers students and instructors as well as (future) communication strategists and campaigners foundations, strategies, tools and methodologies of sustainability communication to create a new story and take authorship for the new narrative. Furthermore, it attracts professionals, advocates, and academics who are passionate about taking proactive roles in restoratively addressing the pressing interrelated sociocultural and ecological issues if our times, to become reflexive leaders and advocates.

Long Description:
Over the last two decades, sustainability has become a widespread normative framework or regulatory idea – mostly communicated in a context of sustainable development and thus as ‘alternative to’ or ‘fight against climate change’. Sustainability is generally defined as the fact that a given activity or action is capable of being sustained and therefore continued, related to the responsibility for the future, meeting global needs, the protection of the environment, development and ecocultural consciousness as a deeper logic and matter of life, as well as participation and engagement. Thus, sustainability communication encompasses the relationship between humans and their environment and focuses on social discourses (Godemann at al., 2011). Here, a critical approach seems to be fruitful to grasp the largely amorphous concept of sustainability that gets bent into many different shapes in the public sphere (Weder et al., 2019a; 2021; Dimitrov, 2018).

For the introductory book at hand, we focus on the role of strategic communication in shaping sustainability as current narrative of our society in relation to the ‘old’ climate change narrative of destruction and imbalance between human and nature. Therefore, we conceptualize the evolution of the sustainability narrative as core process of strategic communication. We focus on organizations and their responsibility towards the society (Corporate Social Responsibility) and identify the potential of strategic communication for a transition of the old to the ‘new’ narrative.

After the clarification of the basic paradigms of Corporate Responsibility, Environmental and Social Governance, and Sustainability as normative framework and narrative of the future, we introduce the basic paradigms of communication, communication from a functional, rather instrumental and critical, social-constructivist perspective, before we focus on sustainability and CSR communication and related strategies and tactics of content-related, storytelling-focused communication management.

In this introductory book on CSR and Sustainability Communication, we discuss the evolution of the sustainability story in corporate, political, and environmental discourses as well as paradigms and theoretical approaches to better understand communication about, of and for sustainability. The textbook follows a strategic communication perspective and offers practical examples and exercises for making sustainability and related issues accessible and comprehensible, for co-creating social change. The book offers students and instructors as well as (future) communication strategists and campaigners foundations, strategies, tools and methodologies of sustainability communication to create a new story and take authorship for the new narrative. Furthermore, it attracts professionals, advocates, and academics who are passionate about taking proactive roles in restoratively addressing the pressing interrelated sociocultural and ecological issues if our times, to become reflexive leaders and advocates.

Word Count: 36013

ISBN: 978-1-74272-361-7

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Atmospheric Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Queensland
Franzisca Weder
Marte Eriksen
Date Added:
Building Sustainable Communities: Monitoring and Evaluation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

Short Description:
Monitoring and Evaluation is the fourth module in this course, Building Sustainable Communities: The Impact of Engagement, and highlights research and real-world experiences on the subject of monitoring and evaluation (also referred to as M&E), in relation to sustainable community building. In the first lesson we will provide you with an overview of M&E, including origins and definitions, as well as its importance for building sustainable communities. In the next lesson, the spectrum of approaches to accomplish M&E is examined, specifically we look at two opposing ends of the spectrum: conventional and participatory M&E. In the third lesson we will focus on the use of citizen science as a mechanism for building sustainable communities. Here we define citizen science, develop an understanding of how it can be used in conventional or participatory M&E, and discuss innovative tools to support it. The final lesson covers the common benefits and challenges experienced across all M&E approaches, and surfaces key tensions surrounding M&E as a field of practice and research. By the conclusion of this module, it is our hope that you are beginning to see how these pieces along the path to building sustainable communities connect.

Word Count: 12027

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Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Date Added:
Oil Politics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Echoes of Ecological Wars

Short Description:
The essays here contribute to developing and deepening an understanding of the ecological challenges ravaging Nigeria, Africa and our world today. They illustrate the global nature of these terrors. These essays are not meant just to enable for coffee table chatter: they are intended as calls to action, as a means of encouraging others facing similar threats to share their experiences.

Long Description:
Set out in seven sections, this book of 54 essays deals with deep ecological changes taking place primarily in Nigeria but with clear linkages to changes elsewhere in the world. The essays are laid out with an undergird of concerns that characterise the author’s approach to human rights and environmental justice advocacy. The first section rightly presents broad spectrum ecological wars manifesting through disappearing trees, spreading desertification, floods, gas flaring and false climate solutions.

The second section zeroes in on the different types of violence that pervade the oil fields of the Niger Delta and draws out the divisive power of crude oil by holding up Sudan as a country divided by oil and which has created a myriad of fissures in Nigeria. The exploitation of crude oil sucks not just the crude, it also sucks the dignity of workers that must work at the most polluting fronts.

Section three underscores the need for strict regulation of the fossil fuels sector and shows that voluntary transparency templates adopted by transnational oil companies are mere foils to fool the gullible and are exercises in futility as the profit driven corporations would do anything to ensure that their balance sheets please their top guns and shareholders. The fourth section builds up with examples of gross environmental misbehaviours that leave sorrow and blood in a diversity of communities ranging from Chile to Brazil and the United States of America.

Section five of the book is like a wedge in between layers of ecological disasters and extractive opacity. It takes a look at the socio-political malaise of Nigeria, closing with an acerbic look at crude-propelled despotism and philanthropic tokens erected as payment for indulgence or as some sort of pollution offsets.

The closing sections provide excellent analyses of the gaps and contortions in the regulatory regimes in Nigeria. It would be surprising if these were not met with resistance on the ground.

These essays provide insights into the background to the horrific ecological manifestations that dot the Nigerian environment and the ecological cancers spreading in the world. They underscore the fact there are no one-issue struggles. Working in a context where analyses of ecological matters is not the norm, decades of consistent environmental activism has placed the writer in good stead to unlock the webs that promote these scandalous realities.

Word Count: 80349

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Applied Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Daraja Press
Date Added: