1963 wurden die Menschen in Longarone in Norditalien von einer Tragödie heimgesucht. …
1963 wurden die Menschen in Longarone in Norditalien von einer Tragödie heimgesucht. Ein Bergsturz löste eine Flutwelle in einem neu errichteten Stausee aus, welche die Staumauer überwand und das dahinter liegende Tal verwüstete. Warnungen von Geologen waren zuvor ignoriert worden, ebenso die Anzeichen am Hang des Berges, die auf einen extremen Bergsturz hinwiesen. 2000 Menschen starben bei dieser Katastrophe. Aber welche Kaskade von Ereignissen führte zu diesem Unglück? War die Katastrophe menschengemacht?
Os painéis elaborados e disponibilizados para implantação no geossítio Vila Pedra, são …
Os painéis elaborados e disponibilizados para implantação no geossítio Vila Pedra, são produtos geodidáticos de geoeducação a serem utilizados por professores e alunos de ensino básico do município de Irituia e visitantes do local. Eles contêm informações e interpretações geocientíficas e de curiosidades presentes na formação geológica do geossítio, em uma linguagem acessível, dando suporte a sua utilização como espaço de ensino não formal e à visitação turística mais interessante e de forma sustentável, contribuindo para a divulgação e valorização do geossítio.
This interactive addresses the question if we can reduce CO2 emissions by …
This interactive addresses the question if we can reduce CO2 emissions by 20% of 1990 levels and help avoid dangerous climate change? Users of this interactive can manipulate changes to various sources and uses (supply and demand) of energy with the goal of reducing C02 emissions in Great Britain by 80% in the year 2050.
This NOAA visualization on YouTube shows the seasonal variations in sea surface …
This NOAA visualization on YouTube shows the seasonal variations in sea surface temperatures and ice cover from 1985 to 2007. The visualization is based on data collected by NOAA polar-orbiting satellites. El NiÃo and La NiÃa are easily identified, as are the trends in decreasing polar sea ice.
Os painéis elaborados e disponibilizados para implantação no geossítio Vila Pedra, são …
Os painéis elaborados e disponibilizados para implantação no geossítio Vila Pedra, são produtos geodidáticos de geoeducação a serem utilizados por professores e alunos de ensino básico do município de Irituia e visitantes do local. Eles contêm informações e interpretações geocientíficas e de curiosidades presentes na formação geológica do geossítio, em uma linguagem acessível, dando suporte a sua utilização como espaço de ensino não formal e à visitação turística mais interessante e de forma sustentável, contribuindo para a divulgação e valorização do geossítio.
The coral reefs of the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu are …
The coral reefs of the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu are the backbone of the island's environmental and economic health. Today they face destruction from a silent predator that can rapidly decimate an entire reef. In this video, students learn about how a starfish is destroying the coral reefs of Vanuatu and how the islanders are adapting.
This video begins in the lush deltas of Bangladesh. The host of …
This video begins in the lush deltas of Bangladesh. The host of the video learns how communities are adapting to changing monsoons and dangerous sea-level rise. Floating gardens and floating schools are just the start of some of the country's innovative strategies.
In this video, learn how communities in the arid high-mountain region of …
In this video, learn how communities in the arid high-mountain region of Ladakh rely on glacial water to feed streams and water crops during the spring and summer months. Global warming is dramatically reshaping the future of these areas. Meet a Ladakhi teacher and engineer who devised a method to capture and store glacial runoff into magnificent ice pyramids that are used as water resources throughout the summer and during peak agricultural months.
In this video, an entrepreneur is finding new ways to manage the …
In this video, an entrepreneur is finding new ways to manage the invasive Asian carp problem in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Once introduced to help mitigate an algae problem, the carp became invasive. This video highlights how the local community has adapted to the issue, including how they have gained ideas about how to utilize the carp from other cultures to help mitigate the issue.
A video from the Extreme Ice Survey in which Dr. Tad Pfeffer …
A video from the Extreme Ice Survey in which Dr. Tad Pfeffer and photographer Jim Balog discuss the dynamics of the Columbia glacier's retreat in recent years through this time-lapse movie. Key point: glacier size is being reduced not just by glacial melting but due to a shift in glacial dynamics brought on by climate change.
this document contains usses of polymers in various parts of the automobile …
this document contains usses of polymers in various parts of the automobile and respective examples with the requirement of material to make product and polymers selected with similar properties.
In this 6-part activity, students learn about climate change during the Cenozoic …
In this 6-part activity, students learn about climate change during the Cenozoic and the abrupt changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (65.5 million years ago), the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (33.9 million years ago), and the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (55.8 million years ago).
In this activity, students work with paleoclimate proxy data (d18O, CH4, CO2)from …
In this activity, students work with paleoclimate proxy data (d18O, CH4, CO2)from the Byrd and GISP2 ice cores to investigate millennial-scale climate changes during the Last Glacial/Deglacial time periods. Students must prepare a publication quality plot of the data and answer several questions about the similarities and differences between the time-series (north-south phasing, amplitude, symmetry) and use this information to assess the bipolar see-saw mechanism for abrupt climate changes. Students are encouraged to read two journal articles for more information and to synthesize their results with other information from lectures and earlier readings.
(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)
This short video is an excerpt from the longer video Acid Test: …
This short video is an excerpt from the longer video Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification, produced by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). This short version summarizes the science of ocean acidification as well as the social implications.
This assignment is a 10-hour, out-of-class project where each student designs and …
This assignment is a 10-hour, out-of-class project where each student designs and carries out an action plan to enhance sustainability. Students select from a large suite of alternative actions, most of which can be quantified for reductions in CO2 and energy consumption, as well as in dollar savings.
(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)
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