In the Continuous Improvement advanced Experience, students will explore concepts, skills and …
In the Continuous Improvement advanced Experience, students will explore concepts, skills and tools that support improvement in themselves, their peers, and their workplaces. This unit is comprised of content derived from competencies associated with the Technical Skills Grounded in Academics Essential Elements of the SkillsUSA Framework
An analysis of the behavior of humans as actors in a variety …
An analysis of the behavior of humans as actors in a variety or organizational contexts and cultures, including group, inter-group, and individual behavior. A cross cultural perspective of organizational behavior is also examined, including the concepts of time-management, work ethic, teamwork, and verbal and non-verbal communication.
Course Outcomes: 1. Describe why managers and entrepreneurs require a knowledge of organizational behavior. 2. Describe characteristics of culture and resulting behavioral tendencies (especially as related to communication, teamwork and leadership, and conflict resolution). 3. Explain the foundations of individual behavior in diverse organizational and cultural settings. 4. Explain the foundations of group behavior in diverse organizational and cultural settings. 5. Discuss inter-group behavior. 6. Identify the rules of organizational design. 7. Describe organizational culture.
Many resources online provide limited lists of available communication channels, but the …
Many resources online provide limited lists of available communication channels, but the lists miss relevant details for those learning about the range of ways we can communicate. This introductory reading and activity intends to share the sheer volume of ways we can communicate with audiences and publics to illustrate the need to strategically consider all the options we may use to share our messages.
The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working …
The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. Our mission is to promote community health and development by connecting people, ideas, and resources. The Community Tool Box is a public service developed and managed by the KU Center for Community Health and Development and partners nationally and internationally. The Tool Box is a part of the Center’s role as a designated World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health and Development.
Professors and instructors from various disciplines use the Community Tool Box as a resource for their teaching. The Tool Box is often used as course text in the fields of public health, community psychology, nursing, social welfare, and other applied fields.
Chapter 1. Our Model for Community Change and Improvement Chapter 2. Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources Chapter 4. Getting Issues on the Public Agenda Chapter 5. Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development Chapter 6. Communications to Promote Interest Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community Work Chapter 8. Developing a Strategic Plan Chapter 9. Developing an Organizational Structure for the Initiative Chapter 10. Hiring and Training Key Staff of Community Organizations Chapter 11. Recruiting and Training Volunteers Chapter 12. Providing Training and Technical Assistance Chapter 13. Orienting Ideas in Leadership Chapter 14. Core Functions in Leadership Chapter 15. Becoming an Effective Manager Chapter 16. Group Facilitation and Problem-Solving Chapter 17. Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions Chapter 18. Deciding Where to Start Chapter 19. Choosing and Adapting Community Interventions Chapter 20. Providing Information and Enhancing Skills Chapter 21. Enhancing Support, Incentives, and Resources Chapter 22. Youth Mentoring Programs Chapter 23. Modifying Access, Barriers, and Opportunities Chapter 24. Improving Services Chapter 25. Changing Policies Chapter 26. Changing the Physical and Social Environment Chapter 27. Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World Chapter 28. Spirituality and Community Building Chapter 29. The Arts and Community Building Chapter 30. Principles of Advocacy Chapter 31. Conducting Advocacy Research Chapter 32. Providing Encouragement and Education Chapter 33. Conducting a Direct Action Campaign Chapter 34. Media Advocacy Chapter 35. Responding to Counterattacks Chapter 36. Introduction to Evaluation Chapter 37. Operations in Evaluating Community Interventions Chapter 38. Some Methods for Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives Chapter 39. Using Evaluation to Understand and Improve the Initiative Chapter 40. Maintaining Quality Performance Chapter 41. Rewarding Accomplishments Chapter 42. Getting Grants and Financial Resources Chapter 43. Managing Finances Chapter 44. Investing in Community Resources Chapter 45. Social Marketing of Successful Components of the Initiative Chapter 46. Planning for Sustainability
Sample syllabi are also available:
Engineering and Technology for the Better Good of Society PIT-OER is intended …
Engineering and Technology for the Better Good of Society PIT-OER is intended to train engineering technology students to leverage the power of select technologies aligned to the public interest applications and targeted public works institutions.This PIT-OER consists of four modules:Module 1: Project Management Methods with Applications to Public Works.Module 2: Technology and Ethics: “Are You Conflicted?”. Module 3: 3D Printing Applied to Everyday Public Interest and to Public Work Institutions.Module 4: How “Open” is Open Source Content: The Do’s and Don’t of Using Open Source Software, OSS. Each module is organized with lecture, assessment, and laboratory experiments. The modules are course materials for TECH-100, Introduction to Engineering and Technology, of Queensborough Community College.
Since the CoVID19 pandemic, essential workers have been impacted beyond that of …
Since the CoVID19 pandemic, essential workers have been impacted beyond that of others in the labor force. Statistics on nonmedical essential workers and how CoVid19 affects their health and livelihood are lacking. No centralized reporting exists and corporations do not either collect or provide this data. This OER attempts to bring together various sources information from March-July 2020 for future research. This material is a compilation of original sources of varying restrictions to be used for educational purposes, so I have chosen the CC BY NC ND license.
Learning Objectives: Describe the four models of public relations and the four …
Learning Objectives: Describe the four models of public relations and the four stages of a typical public relations campaign. Analyze the role of public relations in media and culture. Analyze the ways public relations is taking the place of traditional advertising. Explain the concept of branding. Describe the uses of public relations in politics, government, and news media. Understand what integrated marketing communications (IMC) are. Understand why organizations may change their promotional strategies to reach different audiences. Understand the different components of the promotion (communication) mix and why organizations may consider all components when designing the IMC program. Understand the difference between types of communication that target many people at one time versus types of communication that target individuals. Understand the difference between media and vehicles. Explain the similarities and differences between advertising and direct marketing. Understand the benefits of direct marketing and what types of direct marketing organizations often utilize. Understand what a unique selling proposition is and how it is used. Understand different types of promotion objectives. Identify different message strategies. Understand different ways in which promotion budgets can be set. Understand how the budget can be allocated among different media. Learn about different types of sales promotions companies use to get customers to buy their products. Understand the different types of sales promotions companies use with their business customers. Understand why sales promotions have become such an integral part of an organization’s promotion mix. Differentiate between push and pull strategies. Understand the concept of public relations and why organizations allocate part of their promotional budgets to it. Understand what the different types of public relations tools are. Explain how companies use different public relations tools to their advantage. Understand the different social media zones. Understand how social media can generate publicity. Explain how social media keeps changing.
Copyright can be a tricky area of law. However, understanding the basis …
Copyright can be a tricky area of law. However, understanding the basis of copyright law, what it protect, and copyright's limitations helps make sure we do not violate copyright law and the creators it protects.
This guide is intended to support you in adapting the State of …
This guide is intended to support you in adapting the State of Innovation’s “Food Chain” Challenge case into a lesson plan to implement with your students. It includes background information on the case, problem solving questions for students to work on, and suggested activities to use with your students. It also explains how you can get support during the Challenge, including helping your students connect with industry leaders throughout the Challenge.
Public Relations campaigns are full of strategic communication decisions aimed at communicating …
Public Relations campaigns are full of strategic communication decisions aimed at communicating with particular publics about particular issues in an effort to move them toward particular outcomes. While many individuals consider how one individual message may be written on one particular channel, campaigns typically involve multi-channel approaches where the movement through the communication funnel (from awareness to acceptance to action) is thoughtfully planned.This reading is an introduction for students to these concepts.
This toolkit was created by OER student leaders in the CCC and …
This toolkit was created by OER student leaders in the CCC and CSU systems. The toolkit's purpose is to motivate students to get involved in OER advocacy and the Open Education movement, as well as make it known that students can make a difference in their education. Education costs can be cut to a fraction of the price with OER, which would allow for more students to be able to access knowledge and higher education. While this toolkit contains some examples and suggestions specific to California institutions, it can still be helpful for all college students. Thanks to the Michelson 20MM Foundation's financial support students were paid for their work and contributions in creating this document, as well as presenting at conferences.
This Open Educational Resources site will complement textbooks and lectures with obvious information gaps. …
This Open Educational Resources site will complement textbooks and lectures with obvious information gaps. An extension of regular learning content. For example, you can accompany the text with multimedia materials such as videos. By presenting information in multiple formats, students can more easily learn the material being taught.
In this course students will develop oral and written communication skills that …
In this course students will develop oral and written communication skills that will allow a business professional to communicate effectively with customers, clients, and employees. Students will develop and deliver effective presentations using presentation software, learn negotiating skills, and practice extemporaneous speaking. Students will craft effective emails, product descriptions, resumes, and other business-related writing and oral communication skills. Students will practice skills needed to effectively apply and interview for jobs.
Course Outcomes: 1. Communicate effectively in customer service situations and with vendors. 2. Concisely and professionally document agreements. 3. Deliver effective presentations that utilize charts or visual aids in presentation software. 4. Write effective text aimed at customers using a variety of formats (e.g. emails, blog posts, social media, and printed promotional material). 5. Write effective job application materials and employ effective oral communication in an interview.
15.668 People and Organizations examines the historical evolution and current human and …
15.668 People and Organizations examines the historical evolution and current human and organizational contexts in which scientists, engineers and other professionals work. It outlines today’s major challenges facing the management profession. The course uses interactive exercises, simulations and problems to develop critical skills in negotiations, teamwork and leadership. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.
Freshman Success Storie is the podcast where we help you navigate your …
Freshman Success Storie is the podcast where we help you navigate your first year of college with tips, stories, and expert advice. I’m your host, Anna, and today, we’re diving into two essential skills that will transform your interactions: active listening and non-verbal communication. Whether you're making new friends, working on group projects, or networking for future opportunities, mastering these skills is crucial. Let's get started!
Adapting to a changing climate will involve governments, businesses, societies and other organizations …
Adapting to a changing climate will involve governments, businesses, societies and other organizations with diverse perspectives, mandates and capacities. Project managers, through their effective direction of complex projects, occupy a critical role and must ensure that their projects consider the implications of a changing climate. This course will help you recognize climate change factors that could affect successful outcomes for your project and formulate strategies you can use to address them. You can expect to leave this course better prepared to add a climate change lens to your project planning.
This course will help prepare you to conduct public relations suitable for …
This course will help prepare you to conduct public relations suitable for small start-up businesses, international companies, political campaigns, social programs, personal development, and other outreach projects.
For decades, the media have given enormous attention to sensational claims that …
For decades, the media have given enormous attention to sensational claims that vague lights in the sky are actually extra-terrestrial spacecraft. Recently, there has been a flurry of misleading publicity about UFOs on military photographs. A sober examination of these claims reveals that there is a lot LESS to them than first meets the eye: when there is enough evidence, UFO claims can be explained by terrestrial or celestial phenomena (including lights from human craft and re-entering space junk). This up-to-date guide provides key resources available free on the Web, to help scientists, educators, students, and journalists learn about the skeptical perspective (and the background stories) behind these claims.
With this tutorial, I want to make everyone confident and prepared into …
With this tutorial, I want to make everyone confident and prepared into an interview room ( a virtual interview room, if necessary). I know you have the talent and skills necessary for the position you applied for; I know you will be the best fit for the position; the preparation you complete before and during your interview will ensure that the employer knows this.
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Your redistributing comes with some restrictions. Do not remix or make derivative works.
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