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Building Cost Planning: Best Practices and Insights
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0.0 stars

This book focuses on the cost planning of building construction projects with special reference to the Australian and New Zealand context. Design development and cost planning with elemental analysis are emphasised in the pre-construction cost management process in the region. This book translates the well-established practice of pre-construction cost management process in the construction industry into a published academic and professional resource which can be used for teaching higher education students and for professional training programs.

Building cost planning is considered from the client and the design team’s perspective and focuses on the functions of a cost manager. From the overview of the construction industry and the client’s team, to the detailed cost planning process and cost planning techniques at progressive stages in the pre-construction phase, this book is ideal as a guide to cost plan building construction projects. It follows an interactive style by featuring learning outcomes, self-review questions and learning activities for each chapter. It also extends theory into applications with case studies incorporated from the Australian and New Zealand construction industries. These approaches make this book useful for both students and practitioners in construction management.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Don Leelarathne
Dr Inoka Withana Gamage
Dr Ravindu Kahandawa
Dr Ruchini Jayasinghe
Dr Thilini Jayawickrama
Prof Rameez Rameezdeen
Date Added:
Building Information - Representation & Management
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0.0 stars

Principles and foundations for the digital era

Short Description:
The book goes beyond the surface to explain why AECO digitization matters with respect to information. It presents information in the framework of representation, introduces a semantic typology of data and connects process to information management, towards a coherent and transparent theory of building information for the digital era.

Long Description:
Digitization in AECO is in a transitional phase. On one hand, technologies like BIM finally introduce symbolic representation and, on the other, there is an unhealthy and unproductive attachment to outdated, analogue practices and documents. The book goes beyond the surface to explain why digitization matters with respect to information. It presents information in the framework of representation, introduces a semantic typology of data and connects process to information management, towards a coherent and transparent theory of building information for the digital era.

Word Count: 56989

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Business Agreements - Instructor Guide
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.This textbook was authored by Werner H. Keller and Nobuko Fujita (University of Windsor) and licensed under an Ontario Commons License (Version 1.0)

Long Description:
This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.

This instructor guide is intended to support the wider use and reuse of the course content by educators in business, law, and related disciplines. Business agreements are case studies which create memorable, thought-provoking examples to help students develop skills and knowledge of the structure and content of typical business contracts. The instructor’s teaching philosophy focuses on lifelong learning and skill development. Thus, the course is designed to enable learners to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving labour market through experiential learning opportunities for upskilling and reskilling learners’ “literacy” with business agreements.

Word Count: 9564

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Windsor
Date Added:
Business Agreements - Instructor Guide
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.This textbook was authored by Werner H. Keller and Nobuko Fujita (University of Windsor) and licensed under an Ontario Commons License (Version 1.0)

Long Description:
This is an instructor guide for a seminar course, Business Agreements, which is offered to senior undergraduate business, MBA, and law students at the University of Windsor and combines senior students from both faculties for interdisciplinary study. Course design aims to promote learner engagement in experiential learning. Students engage with course content by analyzing real-world business contracts to produce short written submissions before class thereby preparing students for in-class discussions.

This instructor guide is intended to support the wider use and reuse of the course content by educators in business, law, and related disciplines. Business agreements are case studies which create memorable, thought-provoking examples to help students develop skills and knowledge of the structure and content of typical business contracts. The instructor’s teaching philosophy focuses on lifelong learning and skill development. Thus, the course is designed to enable learners to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving labour market through experiential learning opportunities for upskilling and reskilling learners’ “literacy” with business agreements.

Word Count: 9476

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Date Added:
Business Computer Information Systems
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 113331

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Houston
Barbara Lave
Diane Shingledecker
Emese Felvegi
Julie Romey
Mary Schatz
Noreen Brown
Robert McCarn
Saylor Academy
University of Minnesota Libraries
Date Added:
Business Presentation Skills
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0.0 stars

Speaking & Presentation Skills for Business

Word Count: 11171

ISBN: 978-0-9879506-6-6

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Date Added:
Business Presentation Skills 2020
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Speaking & Presentation Skills for Business

Word Count: 5495

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lucinda Atwood
Date Added:
Business Startup and Entrepreneurship: Canada
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This OER textbook focuses on the foundations of entrepreneurship and starting a business. The text is divided from the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline; entrepreneurship traits and characteristics and the activities that precede starting a business.

Long Description:
Given the financial challenges students face in higher education, my hope with this textbook is to draw on my 20+ years of entrepreneurship experience and academic research to compile resources that reflect the general aspects of starting a business. Business Startup and Entrepreneurship: Canada is an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook that focuses on the practical, current, and relevant topics associated with starting a business in Canada. This broad practical approach allows instructors to introduce these simple chapters to build a basic understating of the essentials to startups.

Along with this textbook is an accompanying Business Plan Workbook, helping students to work through a business idea chapter-by-chapter that hopefully culminates in a well thought-through startup plan. In my experience teaching introductory entrepreneurship courses, developing a business plan supports deep-level learning that is displayed through critical analysis, creativity, and networking. The design of the business plan has been simplified and tested over the past three years with over 750 students from diverse cultures and academic disciplines. It is my recommendation that students work on the business plan throughout the duration of the course as they complete chapters to reaffirm important lessons. Students may find tasks such as finance and accounting difficult, which is why an Excel Worksheet accompanies the business plan to help prepare financial reports for their proposed businesses.

Word Count: 115289

ISBN: 978-1-988692-57-9

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Prince Edward Island
Matthew Pauley
Date Added:
Career Guide for Health and Wellness Office Administrative Professionals
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Beginning your first career, or a new career is both exciting and challenging. This book will guide you along the journey towards a successful, fulfilling, and rewarding health or wellness office career.

Long Description:
This book is a road map to help you navigate the job search through practical and logical steps, including the following: Understand and practice professionalism Plan for your career Research today’s labour market Create robust self-marketing tools Build your personal brand Diversify your job search methods Utilize social media to create a professional digital footprint Master your interview skills to stand out from your competition

Word Count: 33297

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Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Social Science
Material Type:
Conestoga College
Date Added:
Cases on Leadership for Equity and Justice in Higher Education (CLEJHE)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
CLEJHE is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal of case studies intended to aid in the preparation of leaders at all levels of higher education.

Long Description:
Cases on Leadership for Equity and Justice in Higher Education (CLEJHE) is an open-access, open education resource journal that publishes peer-reviewed cases for use by leadership preparation programs and those involved in developing leaders for post-secondary institutions. Through an equity lens, the journal strives to publish timely and highly relevant cases that involve and address significant puzzles of practice facing leaders at all levels in higher education. Cases provide narratives, exhibits, and teaching notes that seek to inform and offer suggestions to enhance the practice of the learners and leaders within our community of practice.

CLEJHE is a collaborative project at the University of Colorado Denver involving ThinqStudio and the School of Education and Human Development programs for Leadership for Educational Equity in Higher Education and Learning, Design, and Technology (LDT). The journal editors are doctoral students from the Leadership for Educational Equity in Higher Education program.

Word Count: 22241

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Business and Communication
Higher Education
Special Education
Material Type:
University of Colorado Denver
Brian DeLevie
Dan Lawrence
Diane Hegeman
Jacquelyn Ray
Paul Zastrocky
Remi Kalir
Scott Bauer
Date Added:
Conflict Management
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Perspectives for the Canadian Workplace

Short Description:
This book examines the nature of conflict in the workplace - its sources, costs and management, as well as workplace conflict management with respect to group interactions, organizational culture, and provincial/federal legislation. In addition, this book focuses on the individual; how our perceptions, emotions, motivation, personality and communication skills impact how we manage stress and conflict at work. Throughout the book, readers are encouraged to engage in critical self-assessment and case study review. These exercises provide the reader with the opportunity to assess potential conflict situations, recognize emotions, communicate assertively, and manage conflict with integrity and professionalism.

Long Description:
This Open Educational Resource (OER) is a custom publication for students enrolled in PSYC-6006: Conflict Management.

In the first half of the book, we will examine the nature of conflict in the workplace – its sources, costs and management. We will also briefly examine workplace conflict management with respect to group interactions, organizational culture, and provincial/federal legislation.

During the second half of the book, the focus will be on the individual; how our perceptions, emotions, motivation, personality and communication skills impact how we manage stress and conflict at work.

Throughout the book, you will be encouraged to engage in critical self-assessment and case studies. These exercises will provide you with the opportunity to assess potential conflict situations, recognize your emotions, communicate assertively, and manage conflict with integrity and professionalism.

Word Count: 168804

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Crawford Automation - A Guided Application of Structured Problem Solving
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Continuous Improvement in Action

Short Description:
This is a multimedia-enabled case in which students will be guided, by an industry expert, to apply structured problem-solving that addresses a typical supply chain problem, missing parts. What first appears as the issue may be a symptom of a root cause(s). The case utilizes videos, data files for analytics, audio recording, and videogame-style exercises to find the missing box of parts. The case is a collaboration between the Conestoga Centre for Supply Chain Innovation and ATS Automation and utilizes the ATS Business Model (ABM) approach to identifying and solving root causes. The case can be used in any Continuous Improvement course or program for either Business or Engineering students.

Long Description:
This is a multimedia-enabled case in which students will be guided, by an industry expert, to apply structured problem-solving that addresses a typical supply chain problem, missing parts. What first appears as the issue may be a symptom of a root cause(s). The case utilizes videos, data files for analytics, audio recording, and videogame-style exercises to find the missing box of parts. The case is a collaboration between the Conestoga Centre for Supply Chain Innovation and ATS Automation and utilizes the ATS Business Model (ABM) approach to identifying and solving root causes. The case can be used in any Continuous Improvement course or program for either Business or Engineering students.

Word Count: 5680

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Conestoga College
Kevin Hollis
Laurie Turnbull
Stephen Thomson;
Date Added:
Critical Employment, Ethical, and Legal Scenarios in Human Resource Development
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book provides mini-cases for HRD and other disciplines to use for engaging students in incident discussions. Exploring ways to solve problems and make decisions about situations that occur at work.

Long Description:
This book is intended to be used as a supplement to courses across various fields of study but has direct correlations with human resource development and workforce development. Instructors in any field of study where students examine the work environment and the treatment of employees will find useful scenarios that can be used to facilitate discussions. The topics in this book and supplemental readings can enrich the conversations around enhancing workplace environments and better worker engagement. Without supportive workers, organizations cannot achieve all goals to the extent desired. Workers may exert the effort required to keep their jobs, but they may not exceed performance requirements because they are experiencing scenarios similar to those in this book and their needs are not being met appropriately.

Leaders and workplace trainers may find this supplement useful when introducing subjects that are perceived to be controversial in the workplace. They can allow employees to discuss these scenarios and provide possible solutions to similar scenarios that are encountered at work. Providing a safe environment to discuss intentional and unintentional situations that arise may improve the work climate and lead to unimaginable solutions. Strengthening communication between workers and leaders can improve team performance and ultimately, organizational success.

Word Count: 12056

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Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
University of Arkansas
Claretha Hughes
Date Added:
Cultivating Your Leadership Capabilities
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Supplemental reading for LD820 MS in Leadership Course at Granite State College, NH

Word Count: 50854

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Graduate Studies
Granite State College
Kathy L. DesRoches
Date Added:
Customer Centric Strategy
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures. Some companies purport to be customer centric but they fall short in connecting this concept throughout all functional areas of the business. While it is important to offer superb customer service, being customer centric is far more than that. It's about mapping the customer journey to discover customer needs and wants, what's working and what is not, then taking action to improve the customer experience. Customer loyalty is built through providing exceptional customer experiences. This in turn increases revenues through positive company image, referrals, and increased customer lifetime value. Most organizations today realize that they must focus on the customer to remain competitive.

Word Count: 44793

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kerri Shields
Date Added:
Customer Centric Strategy, 2nd Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures. Some companies purport to be customer centric but they fall short in connecting this concept throughout all functional areas of the business. While it is important to offer superb customer service, being customer centric is far more than that. It's about mapping the customer journey to discover customer needs and wants, what's working and what is not, then taking action to improve the customer experience. Customer loyalty is built through providing exceptional customer experiences. This in turn increases revenues through positive company image, referrals, and increased customer lifetime value. Most organizations today realize that they must focus on the customer to remain competitive.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kerri Shields
Date Added:
Customer Insights
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Autumn 2022 Edition

Short Description:
This textbook is based on materials sourced from different practitioners from the world of research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The author and her collaborators have also added materials to supplement the available literature. This activity is aligned with SDG4 – Quality Education and SDG10 - Reduced Inequalities.  NewParaThis first edition is running concurrently with Customer Insights. Second Edition.

Long Description:
Increasingly, the concept of marketing research is being replaced with the term ‘customer or consumer insights’. As decision-makers are bombarded with data, it is important to have an Insights Team or Department which can sift through it all and identify those nuggets of information that can meaningfully explain human behaviour. Such insights must translate into an informed business strategy for success. This book has been curated to ensure that the practice of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is presented from an industry perspective. This first edition is running concurrently with Customer Insights. Second Edition https://oercollective.caul.edu.au/customer-insights/

Word Count: 41271

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Information Science
Material Type:
Western Sydney University
Date Added:
Customer Insights
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Second Edition

Short Description:
This textbook is based on materials sourced from different practitioners from the world of research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The author and her collaborators have also added materials to supplement the available literature.

Long Description:
Increasingly, the concept of marketing research is being replaced with the term ‘customer or consumer insights’. As decision-makers are bombarded with data, it is important to have an Insights Team or Department which can sift through it all and identify those nuggets of information that can meaningfully explain human behaviour. Such insights must translate into an informed business strategy for success. This book has been curated to ensure that the practice of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is presented from an industry perspective.

Word Count: 42069

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Western Sydney University
Dr Aila Khan
Dr Munir Hossain
Dr Sabreena Amin
Jacki Montgomery
Siddharth Jain
Date Added:
Customer Relations for Managers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 78353

Included H5P activities: 42

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Date Added:
Data Analytics and Decision Making
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Data analytics is a rapidly evolving field. In today's labour market, knowing how to acquire, process, and interpret large amounts of data to make optimal decisions is crucial for many professionals, especially those in business and engineering. This open textbook, "a new online course" if you will, focuses on three key concept areas: data acquisition, data processing, and decision-making models. In this course, students will be able to develop advanced knowledge and skills to acquire related data for operations of business or projects; apply quantitative literacy skills such as statistics and machine learning; and use predictive or prescriptive modeling to make timely, actionable, and meaningful decisions.

Long Description:
Data analytics is a rapidly evolving field. In today’s labour market, knowing how to acquire, process, and interpret large amounts of data to make optimal decisions is crucial for many professionals, especially those in business and engineering. This open textbook, “a new online course” if you will, focuses on three key concept areas: data acquisition, data processing, and decision-making models. In this course, students will be able to develop advanced knowledge and skills to acquire related data for operations of business or projects; apply quantitative literacy skills such as statistics and machine learning; and use predictive or prescriptive modeling to make timely, actionable, and meaningful decisions.

Word Count: 2038

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Information Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
University of Windsor
Date Added: