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  • Business and Communication
Entrepreneurship Student Reading Pack
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This reading pack is provided to students as support for the study of this subject. Each reading relates to a particular lecture. Reading 1 relates to Lecture 1, Reading 2 relates to Lecture 2 and so on. Students are advised to review each reading prior to attending lectures so they are able to engage with and understand the lecture content.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
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Entrepreneurship Without Borders
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0.0 stars

This course examines opportunities and problems for entrepreneurs globally, including Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Linkages between the business environment, the institutional framework, and new venture creation are covered with a special focus on blockchain technology. In addition to discussing a range of global entrepreneurial situations, student groups pick one particular cluster on which to focus and to understand what further development would entail. Classroom interactions are based primarily on case studies.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Casey, Michael
Forde, Brian
Johnson, Simon
Date Added:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit
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0.0 stars

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit (Swanson, 2020) – LibreTexts (CC BY-SA) This textbook is designed for upper-year undergraduate students and graduate students studying fundamental entrepreneurship concepts. It has ten chapters covering key topics of entrepreneurship such as opportunity recognition, business model, financing, and innovation. Available in pdf, online, eReader, and common cartridge

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lee Swanson
Date Added:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
This book is designed for upper year undergraduate students and graduate students studying fundamental entrepreneurship concepts.

Word Count: 37156

ISBN: 978-0-88880-615-4

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Business and Communication
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Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
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0.0 stars

This course will introduce you to entrepreneurship for global challenges in emerging markets. You will get to know other like-minded entrepreneurs around you, and discover how institutions in your target region are working on innovation and entrepreneurship.

As an entrepreneur in an emerging market, you may be faced with many challenges that need to be solved. These might include scarcity of fossil fuels, climate change or water, food and health security. This Delft University of Technology course will provide you with examples from partner universities and affiliated entrepreneurs in emerging markets which explain the opportunities and obstacles that they faced as they established themselves and created value.

You will acquire a set of practical tools which will enable you to discover the opportunities in your own environment and how these can be used to make an actual change! You will learn how to rethink your value proposition with your own case study, or with one we provide.

After the course, you will be able to develop your value proposition more quickly by getting to know your customers and partners better and understand local values and institutions.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
Dr. Otto J. Kroesen
Ellen van Andel
Esther M. Blom
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems
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0.0 stars

This graduate seminar is taught in a lecture and lab exercise format. The subject matter is tailored to introduce Environmental Engineering students to the use and potential of Geographic Information Systems in their discipline. Lectures will cover the general concepts of GIS use and introduce the material in the exercises that demonstrate the practical application of GIS.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Sheehan, Daniel
Date Added:
Environmental Geology of the Area where you Live
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0.0 stars

Students collect data for this term project starting with the first lab exercise and continuing throughout the semester. As each unit is covered in the text, class, and lab, students are directed to collect data relevant to their term project. For example: Topographic maps are covered at the start of the semester and students must locate their home; describe its location using the Public Land Survey, Universal Transverse Mercator, and Longitude-Latitude Systems; and describe the local topography. When natural hazards (flooding, slopes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and radon gas) are covered, students must use web resources (some of which are provided by the instructor at http://www2.ivcc.edu/phillips/geology/environmental_research.htm), local resources (such as the local fire chief, library, mayor, relatives, and neighbors), and personal observation to identify hazards and assess the risk they pose; these hazards are submitted as part of a lab assignment. The information collected is analyzed using the principles discussed in class and feedback is provided on pieces that are submitted throughout the semester. At the conclusion of the semester, students organize the collected information, add illustrations (maps and photos), analyze and evaluate the materials collected, and conclude the report with a discussion of how the area should be developed in the future based on the principles learned in the class.

The activity shows the students the immediate relevance of the material as it is covered, shows the students the types of information publicly available, and helps them develop critical analysis skills. The activity introducers students to basic geologic knowledge and shows them how to make use of it.

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Business and Communication
Life Science
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Michael Phillips
Date Added:
Environment and Society
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0.0 stars

Modern industrial activities - which MIT engineers and scientists play a major role in - have significant environmental and social impacts. Trends towards further industrialization and globalization portend major challenges for society to manage the adverse impacts of our urban and industrial activities. How serious are current environmental and social problems? Why should we care about them? How are governments, corporations, activists, and ordinary citizens responding to these problems.
This course examines environmental and social impacts of industrial society and policy responses. We will explore current trends in industrialization, urbanization, and globalization, analyze the impacts these trends have on human health, environmental sustainability, and equity, and then examine a range of policy options available for responding to current problems. The course will present key trends in both domestic and international contexts.
We will examine four policy problems in particular during the course: (1) regulating industrial pollution; (2) regulating “sweatshops” and the broader impacts of globalization; (3) protecting ecosystems; and (4) protecting urban environments during development. We delve into specific cases of these challenges, including: chemical safety and toxins; computers, e-commerce, and the environment; biotech and society; sweatshops; and food production and consumption. Through these cases, we will explore underlying processes and drivers of environmental degradation. Finally, we will analyze opportunities and barriers to policy responses taken by governments, international institutions, corporations, non-governmental organizations, consumers, and impacted communities.
Objectives and Aims

An understanding of the complexity of environmental and social impacts of industry;
An ability to critically analyze policy responses;
An understanding of the roles of different actors and institutions in environmental and social controversies;
Means to evaluate institutional barriers to environmental and social policies;
New ideas for better integrating industry, environment, and equity;
New strategies for regulation in the global economy;
An understanding about personal responsibilities and roles in environmental and social problems.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
O’Rourke, Dara
Date Added:
Equity Literacy Project
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A Shared Lexicon of Equity Terms, Research, Experiences, and Resources

Word Count: 46414

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Business and Communication
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Harper College
Date Added:
Erasmus+ KA202 "Future Trends in Clothing (FTC)" - official project video
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This video offers insight into the activities during the implementation of the Erasmus+ KA202 project "Future Trends in Clothing: Trendy, Smart and Healthy" (2018-2020).In this project three vocational schools from Austria, Spain, Germany cooperated with a general high school from Greece. The video is a documentation of the project's reached milestones, the great personal and work experiences we all gained during our international cooperation.It also shows how the work of everyone involved was still successfully concluded under the conditions of the Corona virus pandemic. Even if we where not able to manufacture & market our finalized product idea as planned, the skills we developed, shared and improved along the way are not less valuable.Now, enjoy the video and of course bear in mind ...“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Information Science
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Stefanie Boss
Date Added:
Erasmus+ KA2 “F.A.S.T.E.S.T.” - Digital Storytelling for Entrepreneurship in VET agroindustrial schools
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0.0 stars

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project called "Food & Agroindustrial Schools Toward Entrepreneurship by Storytelling & digital Technology" (Project No. 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004608), about developing entrepreneurship in VET agrifood students through digital storytelling techniques

Aim of the project is to develop in VET teachers functional skills to integrate systematically in the curricula entrepreneurship education to develop active citizenship and employability, supporting person-centered and experiential learning, through the creation of OER of “Digital storytelling “.

Context: the project aims to involve multi-disciplinary teams of teachers, as “agents of change”, and students, as a new generation of potential entrepreneurs but also as workers with an “entrepreneurial approach”, of VET schools of secondary level of IT, PT, RO and BG, similar among themselves because of the lack of a systematic training-for-trainers in relation to entrepreneurship, with consequences of absence of entrepreneurship as a field of learning in the regular curricula. The focus is on schools and companies related to the agro-industrial sector, in all countries, that needs an injection of new businesses to emerge from a state of heightened shortage of skilled professionals and young people in working cohorts.

Activities and methodology: creation of 1) action-research that prefigures: terms of educational value of storytelling for the development of an entrepreneurial mind-set; didactical sustainability of practices of digital manipulation in the development of educational programs for the development of entrepreneurial skills; new skills required by teachers for the effective use of the methodology to support the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills; 2) multilingual hypervideos (pupil-led experimentations); 3) Training Programmes for the blended use of hypervideos revised by teachers (teacher-led experimentations); 4) Methodological guidelines for the effective use of digital storytelling for learning entrepreneurial skills in school context – systematization of experimentations for their release as OERs.

Number and profile of participants: they will be directly involved in the project activities: 12 teachers/school principals – in interdisciplinary teams and transnational learning/teaching/training activities; 12 ICT experts and 16 representatives of business sector for O1; 40 teachers in 8 focus groups for O1; min. 8 entrepreneurs of FDMP sector for O2; 160 students for O2 and other 160 students for O3; at least 160 “local participants” in the 4 multiplier events.

In terms of expected results, the use of hypervideos as OERs will allow direct knowledge of the related production chain; their creation will enable a “learning by doing”, with a direct experience of the entrepreneurial skills necessary for the realization of a complex project (experimental meta-learning). It is expected an increase of the dialogue between schools and businesses, able to prevent, in the long term, any gap in the professional knowledge necessary to the efforts of innovation required in an evolving industrial sector.

Impacts for VET: spread / enhance different learning styles (innovative teaching); expand the provision of curricular training; increase motivation among the “digital generation”; open to contributions from experts in the business sector; create a more fluid and productive dialogue between formal and informal knowledge – take informal knowledge and transform it into digital resources. Benefits: the VET system will increase its attractiveness, expand its training offer and modernize its teaching approaches, reduce cases of ESL, qualify its staff members (refer to either digital and entrepreneurial skills), root further in the territory by consolidating relations with the socio-economic context.

Impacts for learners: increase of entrepreneurial skills applied in life and school paths; increase of motivation for further education; stimulus to entrepreneurship as a realistic professional opportunity after school; increase of digital skills through the “generative” choice to produce Learning Objects (benefits: spread of technical-scientific culture and reducing of digital divide).

Impacts for business/FDMP sector: connecting with local educational institutions and new generations of workers (role of “virtual business angel”); reflection on entrepreneurial mind-set skills on a personal and a corporate level; study of the potential of digital storytelling to tell / sell a company, for information, marketing or training purposes. Benefits: increased level of entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial spirit in FDMP.

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Intellectual Output 1: Research Action about the current state of exploitation of storytelling and digital storytelling for didactic purposes in the participating EU countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal)

Intellectual Output 2: Creation of 8 hypervideos about stories of success and interviews to local entrepreneurs from the agroindustrial sector (Tomato industry, cheese industry, meat industry, bakery industry, wine industry). Videos are made by made by students at school with teachers' supervision and guidance about gaining knowledge and meaning out of the experience. Videos are then turned into hypervideos by students themselves, adding further hypermedia contents from the web about entrepreneurship and /or sector-related information

Intellectual Output 3: Exploitation and testing of the hypervideos as didactic and teaching tools on students who did not take part in the video-making experience. Elaboration of 4 teaching programs (one for each of the 4 participating countries Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Portugal) about entrepreneurship using hypervideos to create a blended learning experience

Intellectual Output 4: Methodological guidelines for future users or makers of new hypervideos. How to use the project's Output for educational purposes and how to make brand new hypervides from scratch. Technical guide about how to deal with a videomaking & editing process.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Cisita Parma scarl
Date Added:
Essay: The future of corporate governance
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0.0 stars

The current corporate governance models of today’s organizations are unfit for organizations of the future, and even today. What does this mean for directors and the management? Let’s have a look into the future, divided into long-term, middle-term, and short-term future lenses.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Electronic Technology
General Law
Higher Education
Information Science
Social Science
Special Education
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
Date Added:
Essential Communication Skills: Mohawk College
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0.0 stars

COMM 11000

Short Description:
This open textbook supports the learning outcomes of Mohawk College’s COMM 11000 curriculum as they relate to communications for academic and professional purposes.

Long Description:
This open textbook is designed to support the learning outcomes of Mohawk College’s COMM 11000 curriculum. It foregrounds a problem-solving approach to writing and other communications practice. It is designed to guide college students in developing the vital skills that will help with the real, everyday experience of writing and speaking. Organized in five major units—Communication as Problem-Solving, Professional Writing Processes, Routine Workplace Communication, Employment and Interpersonal Communication, and Presentations and Group Communication —this opened educational resource is presented in a variety of AODA-compliant formats. Structured around the learning outcomes of Mohawk College’s core Communication course, this textbook helps ensure that students feel comfortable with the communication skills necessary to succeed in classrooms and places of work.

Word Count: 200251

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Business and Communication
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Betti Sheldrick
Grant Coleman
John Corr
Date Added:
Essentials of Communication
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is a collection of resources to complement ENGL128 Essentials of Communication, an introduction to the fundamentals of effective speaking and writing, exploring a variety of contexts in which language is used.

Word Count: 42931

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Business and Communication
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
University of Otago
David Mcmurrey
Elizabeth Browning
Jason S. Wrench
Kalani Pattison
Katherine S. Thweatt
Michael Cop
Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter
Nicole Hagstrom-Schmidt
Patricia Williamson
Richard White
Date Added:
Essentials of Course Communication
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0.0 stars

Effective communication is essential for student success. Students need to know assignment due dates, course learning objectives, instructor contact information, and how to locate course readings and assignments. Effective course communication leads to students who have an increased sense of course accountability, greater investment in course material, and who achieve higher learning outcomes.

The best instructors provide student access to this information across multiple methods of delivery, and repeats it throughout the semester.

This short training course will introduce you to the basics of effective classroom communication. It will also provide access to outside learning resources.

Word Count: 2380

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Business and Communication
Higher Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
The Essentials of Language Teaching – Guidelines for Building Communicative Competence
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0.0 stars

The Essentials of Language Teaching is a resource website for instructors in foreign language and second/additional language teaching contexts. The site provides a concise and accessible overview of the principles, practices, and teaching conventions that are currently regarded as most effective within the community of language teaching professionals.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Language Education (ESL)
Social Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
Deborah Kennedy
Date Added:
Essentials of Project Management
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The Essentials of Project Management is designed specifically for college students enrolled in a business program including business accounting, administration, supply chain and human resources. It describes the project management process and the role of the project manager in implementing such a process. The book is designed to help students build understanding of the importance and applications of project management.

Long Description:
The Essentials of Project Management is designed specifically for college students enrolled in a business program including business accounting, administration, supply chain and human resources. The text is organized into fourteen chapters covering the project management process and the role of the project manager in implementing such a process. The book includes business case studies and interactive exercises in each chapter. This educational resource is conveniently presented in a variety of AODA-compliant formats and written in a reader-friendly style. The book is designed to help students build understanding of the importance and applications of project management.

Word Count: 64717

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Ethical Considerations and Risks
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0.0 stars

15. Brave New World: Ethical Considerations and Risks

The trifecta of globalization, urbanization and digitization have created new opportunities and challenges across our nation, cities, boroughs and urban centers. Cities in particular are in a unique position at the center of commerce and technology becoming hubs for innovation and practical application of emerging technology. In this rapidly changing 24/7 digitized world, governments are leveraging innovation and technology to become more effective, efficient, transparent and to be able to better plan for and anticipate the needs of its citizens, businesses and community organizations. This class will provide the framework for how cities and communities can become smarter and more accessible with technology and more connected.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Medgar Evers College
Rhonda S. Binda
Date Added: