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  • atoms-and-the-periodic-table
Introductory Chemistry: Atoms and the Periodic Table
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Upon completion of this module the students will be able to know:·         1. State and understand the postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory of matter·         2. Name and characterize the fundamental subatomic particles·         3. Determine the number of electrons, protons and neutrons based on mass and atomic numbers·         4. Define and recognize isotopes of the same and different elements·         5. Define the atomic mass unit and its relation to the gram·         6. Calculate average atomic masses of elements given their isotopes and their abundances·         7. Describe the general structure of the periodic table of the elements·         8. Distinguish between groups and rows in the periodic table·         9. Classify elements as main group, transition, or inner transition elements (lanthanides or actinides), as alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, chalcogens, halogens, or noble gases, and as metals, nonmetals or metalloids·         10. Distinguish between atomic number, atomic weight, and atomic symbol

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Ji Kim
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