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  • branches-of-government-government-social-studies-states
Seminar: I can explain the structure of state government.
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State GovernmentThe United States Constitution states that all power not held by the federal government is reserved for the states. People interact more frequently with their state governments than with the federal government. In this seminar, you will learn about the three branches of state government. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to analyze how the three branches relate to one another. You will compare the differences and similarities of each branch and how they affect the daily life of a citizen in a state. Learning Target: I can explain the structure of state government. Standards:5.1.4 C - Explain the principles and ideals shaping local and state government.Liberty / FreedomDemocracyJusticeEquality

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Deanna Mayers
Date Added: