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Atoms First / OpenStax
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars


Long Description:
Chemistry: Atoms First 2e is a peer-reviewed, openly licensed introductory textbook produced through a collaborative publishing partnership between OpenStax and the University of Connecticut and UConn Undergraduate Student Government Association.This text is an atoms-first adaptation of OpenStax Chemistry 2e. The intention of “atoms-first” involves a few basic principles: first, it introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, and it threads these themes through subsequent chapters. This approach may be chosen as a way to delay the introduction of material such as stoichiometry that students traditionally find abstract and difficult, thereby allowing students time to acclimate their study skills to chemistry. Additionally, it gives students a basis for understanding the application of quantitative principles to the chemistry that underlies the entire course. It also aims to center the study of chemistry on the atomic foundation that many will expand upon in a later course covering organic chemistry, easing that transition when the time arrives.

The second edition has been revised to incorporate clearer, more current, and more dynamic explanations, while maintaining the same organization as the first edition. Substantial improvements have been made in the figures, illustrations, and example exercises that support the text narrative. The first edition of Chemistry: Atoms First by OpenStax is available in web view here.

Word Count: 374196

ISBN: 978-1-998755-61-5

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Attenuated Democracy
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics

Word Count: 243127

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Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
David Hubert
Date Added:
Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Letters from Small-Town Minnesota

Short Description:
In August 1934, Corinna Stafford traveled from her home in Atwater, Minnesota, to Floral Park, New York, to care for her aunt and uncle’s children. During the year Corinna was in New York, her mother Ruth Stafford wrote her two or three times a week, with details of daily life in the village of Atwater and Kandiyohi County. This book is a compilation of those letters. [Cover design by Andrea McKennan.]

Word Count: 91537

ISBN: 978-1-7335927-0-3

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Material Type:
Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project
Date Added:
Audio Production Course Manual
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Three Pillars of Managing Sound: The Technical, the Method, and the Creative Approach

Word Count: 33654

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Career and Technical Education
Film and Music Production
Material Type:
Date Added:
Augmented and Virtual Reality: The next big thing in marketing?
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Next generation sensors and a potential new ecosystem for marketing and advertising in augmented and virtual reality

Short Description:
Marketing is a competitive field that demands continuous improvement in the delivery of persuasive messaging to target audiences. The most recent successes in finding competitive advantage is achieved by professional marketers through technology. In this report, we will consider how Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR/VR) will impact the marketing profession. We will review our research into the background of AR/VR, the sensor technologies that enable these advances, a review of the available hardware types, their positioning in the marketplace, and their use cases. We will then review current best practices in digital marketing as shared by key presenters at the 2017 University of New Hampshire Digital Marketing Conference. This will be the basis of a discussion about how AR/VR might embrace these current practices, cannibalize them, or depart from them to establish completely new methods. The new ecosystem driven by advances in VR and AR technology make a powerful new tool available to engage with their audiences at a new intense emotional and psychological level. We will discuss AR/VR’s evolving uses in entertainment, therapy, training and pornography. A review of risks is included. We conclude with analysis and projections for future use cases in social media, business practices, education, and for opportunities that may accrue to marketers because of AR/VR.

Long Description:
It’s 2017 and we stand upon the brink of another evolution in digital media. Since the first Turing architecture machine was invented to break codes in WWII, the ongoing technology evolution has led to a state of nearly ubiquitous computing, most recognizable in the form of modern smart phones. Stemming from the concurrent development in computing hardware and information processing, governments, businesses, and individuals created new marketplaces. These technologies established the ecosystem for the Internet and World Wide Web. Marketers and traditional marketing models adapted quickly to this ecosystem to the extent that digital marketing now dominates a typical marketing mix.

New technology innovations, known as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), are developing at a rapid pace. The unique properties of fully immersive VR and situationally aware AR have great potential value to marketers seeking to engage and persuade consumers with impactful messaging. Marketers are starting to work with VR and AR as part of their toolbox for messaging. Its potential impact on existing marketing practices may turn out to be similar to what we have seen in the transition to digital marketing. In this report, we will describe AR/VR hardware technology and how it may enable new ecosystems to develop for marketing and advertising.

Word Count: 21293

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Date Added:
The Australian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often report not knowing how training in psychology relates to careers. With chapters written by experts across Australia, this book explores just some of the many ways that students can apply their training in psychological science across a variety of careers and sectors.

Long Description:
Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often report not knowing how training in psychology relates to careers. With chapters written by experts across Australia, this book explores just some of the many ways that students can apply their training in psychological science across a variety of careers and sectors.

Send us your feedback: We would love to hear from you! Please send us your feedback.

Word Count: 158047

ISBN: 978-0-6453261-1-6

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Career and Technical Education
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Southern Queensland
Carla Jeffries
Nancey Hoare
Tanya Machin
Tony Machin
Date Added:
Authentic Learning
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0.0 stars

A Brief Introduction

Short Description:
A brief introduction to authentic learning using anthropological ethnography. This resource utilizes ethnographic case studies to illustrate the concepts of authentic learning.

Word Count: 5997

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Arts and Humanities
Social Science
Material Type:
Boise State University
Date Added:
Authoring Open Textbooks
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. Content includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.

Long Description:
This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. It includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.

Contributors include: Karen Bjork, Head of Digital Initiatives, Portland State University Library. Caitie Finlayson, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Mary Washington. Dianna Fisher, Director of Open Oregon State. Linda Frederiksen, Head of Access Services, Washington State University, Vancouver. Ralph Morelli, Professor, Computer Science, Emeritus, Trinity College. Shane Nackerud, Technology Lead, Library Initiatives, University of Minnesota Libraries. Deb Quentel, Director of Curriculum Development & Associate Counsel, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI). Cody Taylor, Emerging Technologies Librarian, University of Oklahoma Libraries. Anita R. Walz, Open Education, Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian, Virginia Tech.

The authors invite the open textbook community to contribute their experience and knowledge for future editions of this guide. If you would like to offer additional case studies, frameworks and examples, please email open@umn.edu. Together we can create a flexible resource to support open textbook creation in a variety of contexts.

Word Count: 15985

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Material Type:
Open Education Network
Anita R. Walz
Caitie Finlayson
Cody Taylor
Deb Quentel
Dianna Fisher
Karen Bjork
Karen Lauritsen
Linda Frederiksen
Melissa Falldin
Ralph Morelli
Shane Nackerud
Date Added:
Autobiography of George Washington Owens: First African American Graduate of Kansas State University
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
George Washington Owens was the son of former slaves who migrated to Kansas in the early 1870s to find free land, finally settling in Wabaunsee County, Kansas, near Alma. It was there that he was born in 1875. In his handwritten autobiography, Owens chronicles the difficulties and successes of working hard growing up on the plains and as a student at District School #3 of Alma, and then at Kansas State Agricultural College. After learning that no African American had graduated from KSAC (now Kansas State University), “he resolved to be the first.” He did so, graduating in 1899. Owens continues by describing how he was recruited to Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to work under Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver, and the methods he used as head of the dairy herd. While at Tuskegee, Owens recalls the marriage to his wife, Waddie L. Hill, a graduate of Clark University, and the successes of their three children. In 1908 his accomplishments at Tuskegee led Owens to becoming a faculty member at Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute (Virginia State University) where he distinguished himself as head of the agricultural program and a leader in vocational agriculture in the South. Owens recorded his life five years before his death in 1950. Ana Elnora Owens, daughter of George and Waddie Owens, donated the autobiography, photographs, and other documents, to the Richard L.D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections, Hale Library, in 1978.

Word Count: 4377

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U.S. History
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Date Added:
Automatisation, de Python à Ansible
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Mini Guide

Short Description:
L'automatisation de réseau ne consiste pas seulement à configurer les équipements de façon automatique. Bien que ce soit l'idée la plus communément répandue, l'accès automatisé aux équipements permet, non seulement, d'envoyer des informations mais aussi d'en collecter à des fins d'administration, de contrôle et de diagnostic.

Long Description:
Le mouvement DevOps appliqué au réseau et connu sous les noms de NetDevOps ou NetOps a accéléré l’adoption de l’automatisation dans les réseaux LAN, MAN et WAN. L’histoire a positionné le langage Python comme un choix fortement mis en avant. De nombreuses librairies spécifiques ont vu le jour et le produit d’automatisation Ansible a été écrit en langage Python. Ce mini guide a pour objectif de souligner l’importance de la place de l’automatisation dans les réseaux actuels en mettant en valeur les outils adaptés à cette nouvelle approche du monde des réseaux.

Word Count: 8033

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Date Added:
Autonomías Emancipadoras en Centroamérica
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
En las últimas décadas, los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de Centroamérica han establecido nuevas formas de autorrepresentación, movilización y estrategias de defensa territorial. Este libro electrónico presenta las deliberaciones de un taller de intercambio de conocimientos celebrado en Costa Rica, en el EcoCampus Las Nubes de la Universidad de York, del 19 al 23 de abril de 2022. El encuentro - apoyado por una subvención del Consejo de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Canadá (SSHRC) – contó con la asistencia de alrededor de 30 participantes quienes compartieron conocimientos sobre una multitud de temas, incluyendo prácticas, perspectivas y experiencias nacionales de autonomías emancipatorias en la región centroamericana, incluyendo el Archipiélago de San Andrés en Colombia.

Long Description:
En las últimas décadas, los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de Centroamérica han establecido nuevas formas de autorrepresentación, movilización y estrategias de defensa territorial. Este libro electrónico presenta las deliberaciones de un taller de intercambio de conocimientos celebrado en Costa Rica, en el EcoCampus Las Nubes de la Universidad de York, del 19 al 23 de abril de 2022. El encuentro – apoyado por una subvención del Consejo de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Canadá (SSHRC) – contó con la asistencia de alrededor de 30 participantes quienes compartieron conocimientos sobre una multitud de temas, incluyendo prácticas, perspectivas y experiencias nacionales de autonomías emancipatorias en la región centroamericana, incluyendo el Archipiélago de San Andrés en Colombia. El libro consta de tres partes: la primera, incluye un resumen ejecutivo, una introducción y la presentación del Informe Temático de la OEA sobre el Derecho a la la Libre Determinación de los Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales (2021); la segunda, contiene experiencias nacionales de luchas por la autonomía en seis países de Centroamérica y el Archipiélago de San Andrés; y la tercera, incluye un informe de una visita de campo a comunidades indígenas del sur de Costa Rica. La publicación es de acceso abierto y tiene licencia de Creative Commons.

Word Count: 18664

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Ethnic Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
York University
Date Added:
Avoiding narrative fallacies through the use of everyday language
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This particular work is one part of the author’s undergraduate senior capstone project and is one of 11 in the series titled “Controlling the Narrative for Peace of Mind.” Seniors enrolled in Professor Erica Kleinknecht’s capstone seminar in the Spring of 2021 all used a core set of literature as a starting point and then they personalized the content to an area of their choosing. The work here reflects an integration and application of literatures in cognitive, applied cognitive, psycholinguistic fields of study, plus additional topic-specific content.

Word Count: 6835

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
The Awakening
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The Awakening (1899) is a novel by American author Kate Chopin; it marks early feminism as it was one of the earliest American novels to focus on women's issues without condescension. The novel centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle between what is socially acceptable of mothers in turn-of-the-century American South and her views on femininity and independence.

Long Description:
The Awakening (1899) is a novel by American author Kate Chopin. It marks early feminism as it was one of the earliest American novels to focus on women’s issues without condescension. The novel centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle between what is socially acceptable of mothers in turn-of-the-century American South and her views on femininity and independence.

Word Count: 50522

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)

Arts and Humanities
Toronto Metropolitan University
Date Added:
The Ayahuasca Conversations
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
During the shooting of The Jungle Prescription we filmed hours of fascinating encounters with some the world´s most knowledgeable ayahuasca minds. Only a small fraction of the rich material we amassed on the subject made to the final film.Now for the first time, the full transcripts of some of these encounters have been made available to the public exclusively through this book.

Long Description:

This book stems from the collected transcripts of what is now a fifteen-year inquiry into the implications of ayahuasca in the realms of Western culture and modern medicine.


Amid the giant ferns and hummingbirds of the Peruvian jungle stands Takiwasi, a treatment center where ancient Amazonian medicines are being used to detox Western drug addicts. The man who runs it is Dr. Jacques Mabit, a French M.D. who has spent decades working hand-in-hand with curanderos, Amazonian traditional doctors. At the center of his practice is a brew called ayahuasca, Quechua for ‘vine of the souls’.

Far away, in the worst drug ghetto in North America, the most recognized specialist in addiction is at the end of his rope. Dr. Gabor Maté has spent a frustrating decade dealing with substance abuse and a failed medical system, one that treats addiction as a choice rather than a result. He hears of ayahuasca, which, they say, can do in one night what may take years of traditional therapy. Dr. Maté is intrigued by this plant remedy and its potential.

We follow Maté as he visits Jacques Mabit in the Amazon, as well as the leading scientists testing what ayahuasca actually does in the brain. Inspired, he returns home to create an underground treatment program. Working with a band of talented facilitators, using the techniques of ayahuasca shamanism, Mate’s immersive psychotherapy program finds new dimensions.

The film is a conversation about medicine and healing, at the unlikely frontier where people are working to bridge the gap between the secrets of the deep Amazonian forest and the fractured modern world.


During the process of realizing this project, we recorded hours of fascinating conversations, featuring some of the most knowledgeable minds in the world of ayahuasca, discussing the plant and its possibility. Only a small fraction of the rich material we amassed made to the film.

Now for the first time, we present a carefully selected offering of these encounters – made available exclusively through this book.

Word Count: 62635

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Robot Jaguar Productions
Date Added:
BCIT Astronomy 7000: A Survey of Astronomy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 372873

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Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 265049

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Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 483319

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Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
BCIT Physics 0312 Textbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

College Physics is organized such that topics are introduced conceptually with a steady progression to precise definitions and analytical applications. The analytical aspect (problem solving) is tied back to the conceptual before moving on to another topic. Each introductory chapter, for example, opens with an engaging photograph relevant to the subject of the chapter and interesting applications that are easy for most students to visualize.

Physical Science
Material Type:
British Columbia/Yukon Open Authoring Platform
Charles Hooge
Date Added:
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 1
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 1 (roughly equivalent to beginner to grade 1.5 in the K-12 system). Every of the nine chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 100 words. The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 1 student to read each paragraph-long text with greater independence. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Long Description:
This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 1 (roughly equivalent to beginner to grade 1.5 in the K-12 system). Every one of the nine chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 100 words.

The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 1 student to read each paragraph-long text with greater independence. Depending on a learner’s readiness, you may wish to use the sentences in the Word Pattern sections as dictation. Exercises on the connections between consonant sounds and letters are beyond the scope of these books. I recommend using these books alongside a structured phonics program, such as the Wilson Reading System.

Each course pack chapter includes pre-reading questions that can be used for individual reflection or class discussion, vocabulary-building and word pattern exercises, comprehension questions, grammar lessons and practice exercises, and a writing task. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Word Count: 9531

ISBN: 978-1-989623-75-6

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English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Shantel Ivits
Date Added:
BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 2
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 2 (roughly equivalent to grades 1.5 to 3 in the K-12 system). Every of the eight chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 200 words. The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 2 student to read each chapter with greater independence. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Long Description:
This course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 2 (roughly equivalent to grades 1.5 to 3 in the K-12 system). Every of the eight chapters includes a level-appropriate, high-interest reading of approximately 200 words.

The readings are freely available in a separate reader with convenient links to the readings in each chapter of this course pack. The online version of this course pack also contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 2 student to read each chapter with greater independence. Depending on a learner’s readiness, you may wish to use the sentences in the Word Pattern sections as dictation. It is recommended that these books are used alongside a structured phonics program, such as the Wilson Reading System.

Each course pack chapter includes pre-reading questions that can be used for individual reflection or class discussion, vocabulary-building and word pattern exercises, comprehension questions, grammar lessons and practice exercises, and a writing task. Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. This course pack has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

Word Count: 10538

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Shantel Ivits
Date Added: