Learn about evaluating OER
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Achieve has developed a series of rubrics for this tool to help gauge various aspects
of quality, allowing an additional filter for sorting and another way to discover OER.
These kinds of ratings are essential, especially for states and districts
looking to recommend specific OER to their teachers.
This tool requires the input of knowledgeable and experienced teachers and
administrators to evaluate these resources to, in turn, help educators use
them. Please take the time to evaluate this resource in full for the future
benefit of these educators and their students.
Guidelines & Reminders
- Before assessing the alignment of OER to standards, you should have access to the state standards.
- The rubrics are intended to be applied to the smallest, meaningful unit.
- Each rubric should be scored independently of the others; you may apply
up to 7 rubrics to an OER.
- Mark “N/A” on any rubric that doesn’t apply to the resource you are evaluating.
- Your review of an object is complete once the ratings are submitted
through the “Finalize OER Review” button at the bottom of the
last rubric.
- By using this tool, you agree to license all of your content and
comments to the public domain.
Watch an Overview of the Rubrics