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Pot of Gold: Information Literacy Tutorial

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Locating, retrieving, evaluating, and using information is an important part of the educational experience in the 21st century. The Pot of Gold is an interactive web-based tutorial for teaching basic information literacy concepts to First Year students at Notre Dame. Learner analysis reveals that students come to Notre Dame with highly disparate information literacy skills. This instructional product provides the student with the opportunity to assess his own skill level and address learning gaps that might affect research and other information-seeking performance.Pot of Gold also provides a quick review or update for the experienced researcher, particularly when interdisciplinary research requires seeking information from unfamiliar sources.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Instructional Design for Educators

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This course outline examines topics of importance to educators participating in instructional design projects. Topics include needs assessment, adult learning principles, learning objectives, instructional strategies, assessment, implementation and evaluation. Learners will develop a course using media and open educational resources while observing copyright and plagiarism guidelines.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Lana Penny