All resources in ISKME Identity Curation

Immigrants by the Numbers

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In this activity, students work with quantitative data (charts, graphs, and tables) from the 1910 census and the 1911 Dillingham Commission Report to understand the lives of immigrants in the Ellis Island era. The activity includes an option designed for middle school and high school students, as well as a suggested strategy for elementary students. After studying the data, students write a narrative in the voice of an immigrant in 1910, incorporating the information gleaned.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Immigration Nation

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Students will examine data on the number of immigrants in the United States, to create bar graphs and line graphs with appropriate scales. Students will then compare and analyze their graphs to draw conclusions about the data.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Introduction to Queer Studies

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Focuses on the lives and contributions of queer people in cultural, historical, and social context, including identities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, sexual, pansexual and gender non-binary. Uses an interdisciplinary approach to explore the complex social constructions of sex, sexuality, race, class, gender identity and gender expression. Explores the institutional and cultural factors that create and maintain systems of oppression. This course is taught from an intersectional feminist perspective. This means that we’ll explore all the different identities that queer people can take; addressing racism, ageism, ableism, heterosexism, cissexism and many other forms of power inequality and oppression. Provides a framework to connect personal experience with contemporary social and political issues.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Jimena Alvarado

Queerama and Telling Queer Stories

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This is the first of three open educational resources inspired by the Daisy Asquith's film Queerama (2017).  Queerama marks the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offenses Act, which partially decriminalized private homosexual acts in England and Wales. The documentary was created from footage from the BFI National Archive and captures the relationships, desires, fears and expressions of gay men and women. You can follow the three learning blocks in order or pick and choose.This resource uses resources from the JISC funded project 'Observing the Eighties' and is OER produced under a CC-BY license.

Material Type: Module

Author: Lucy Robinson

Queerama and Documenting Queer Stories

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This is the third open educational resource inspired by the Daisy Asquith's film Queerama (2017).  Queerama marks the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offenses Act, which partially decriminalized private homosexual acts in England and Wales. The documentary was created from footage from the BFI National Archive and captures the relationships, desires, fears and expressions of gay men and women. You can follow the three learning blocks in order or pick and choose. This OER produced under a CC-BY license.

Material Type: Module

Author: Lucy Robinson

Queerama and Collecting Queer Stories

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This is the second open educational resource inspired by the Daisy Asquith's film Queerama (2017).  Queerama marks the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offenses Act, which partially decriminalized private homosexual acts in England and Wales. The documentary was created from footage from the BFI National Archive and captures the relationships, desires, fears and expressions of gay men and women. You can follow the three learning blocks in order or pick and choose. This OER produced under a CC-BY license. This module is designed to help us think about what happens when we bring different stories together in to collections or archives.

Material Type: Module

Author: Lucy Robinson

Queer Fashion and Style: Stories from the Heartland

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An Exhibition Catalog Short Description: Queer Fashion & Style: Stories from the Heartland—An Exhibition Catalog analyzes the recent history of fashion through a queer lens by examining how queer identities are negotiated in everyday styles by women in the Midwest part of the United States from the late twentieth century to the present. Long Description: Queer Fashion & Style: Stories from the Heartland—An Exhibition Catalog analyzes the recent history of fashion through a queer lens by examining how queer identities are negotiated in everyday styles by women in the Midwest part of the United States from the late twentieth century to the present. This exhibition builds on the body of work on how queer identities, both personal and collective, are negotiated through dress and appearance practices. The catalog focuses on everyday styles and identity negotiations of queer women living in more rural areas where there is a lack of visible queer community. Word Count: 8856 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Dana Goodin, Eulanda Sanders, Kelly L. Reddy-Best

21st Century Queer Fashion Brands

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Oral History Project Short Description: The purpose of this project is to document the history of each brand using the oral history method. We conducted oral histories with 24 brands with questions ranging from their own personal histories to how and why they started the brand. We are interested in the lives of the individuals who founded the brands in addition to the entire story of each brand from idea development to today so that way these stories can be documented as an important part of fashion and retail history. Long Description: The purpose of this project is to document the history of each brand using the oral history method. We conducted oral histories with 24 brands with questions ranging from their own personal histories to how and why they started the brand. We are interested in the lives of the individuals who founded the brands in addition to the entire story of each brand from idea development to today so that way these stories can be documented as an important part of fashion and retail history. Word Count: 242178 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Dana Goodin, Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Kyra Streck

Born Naked: Gender Roles in Literature and Life

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This unit prompts students in a twelfth-grade English class to question and challenge the roles and expectations that are placed upon them by society based on gender identity. By exposing the inconsistencies and contradictions inherent in a binary division of genders, our studies and discussions during this unit will push students to consider that gender identity and labeling need not determine an individual’s behavior, educational pursuits, or career path. Students will use a combination of contemporary and canon literature to reinforce the concepts that we will investigate. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun will serve as anchor texts for students.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Unit of Study

LGBT+ Healthcare 101 – Open.Ed

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Digital story interviews with LGBT+ volunteers, ‘LGBT+ Healthcare 101’ presentation, and a secondary school resource, created by and for University of Edinburgh medicine students. The resources were created as part of a project to address a lack of awareness and knowledge of LGBT+ health, and of the sensitivities needed to treat LGBT patients as valuable skills for qualifying doctors.

Material Type: Case Study

Authors: Calum Hunter, Derrick NG, Eleanor Dow, Matthewe Twomey, Navina Sentilkumar, University of Edinburgh

Marriage Equality: Different Strategies for Attaining Equal Rights

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This lesson focuses on the different means that the Constitution provides for people to bring about change. While each of the methods the lesson presents worked in the Civil Rights movement, all three are currently being challenged in the marriage equality movement. Keep up to date on the ongoing struggles by doing Google news searches of marriage equality. Keep a class log of updates from the states where marriage equality is being challenged.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Coming Out: Jason Collins

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NBA player Jason Collins recently became the first openly gay athlete in a major American team sport. In this activity, students read some of Collins' coming out statement, discuss it, and then consider their views on the impact coming out can have, both personally and for society.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Jinnie Spiegler

California History-Social Science Project

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The necessity of teaching LGBTQ history has never been more apparent than in the current political climate. Over the past year, hundreds of anti-LGBTQ laws have been proposed across the country. Several have specifically attempted to prohibit teaching about these topics. California educators remain committed to an inclusive curriculum and continue to lead the charge modeling best practices in teaching LGBTQ history. But, the path has not always been clear. When California educators started to implement this flagship law, SB48, otherwise known as the FAIR Act, which called for inclusion of LGBTQ Americans in U.S. history courses at the K-12 level, so many questions arose. Most of the discussion has centered around how to make our curriculum more inclusive while efficiently managing our limited instructional time. One of the key issues has been about whether to create stand-alone or integrated lessons. Stand-alone lessons are significant because they allow students to do a deep dive into a specific topic. This can be useful when addressing big issues in the LGBTQ past. Here are a few examples of lessons that do just that:

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Authors: Beth Slutsky, Wendy Rouse

National Coming Out Day: A Circle on Passing

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In this activity, timed to coincide with National Coming Out Day on October 11, students learn about what it means to "pass" (as white, as straight, as Christian...) and consider what the pressure to "pass" costs individuals and society. The activity is structured as a circle, but can be adapted for use in a conventional classroom.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan


Module 5: Sexuality

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By the end of this section, you will be able to:Understand basic biological mechanisms regulating sexual behavior and motivationAppreciate the importance of Alfred Kinsey’s research on human sexualityRecognize the contributions that William Masters and Virginia Johnson’s research made to our understanding of the sexual response cycleDefine sexual orientation and gender identity

Material Type: Reading

Author: Audra Kallimanis


Sexual Orientation

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By the end of this section, you will be able to:Understand basic biological mechanisms regulating sexual behavior and motivationAppreciate the importance of Alfred Kinsey’s research on human sexualityRecognize the contributions that William Masters and Virginia Johnson’s research made to our understanding of the sexual response cycleDefine sexual orientation and gender identity

Material Type: Lecture Notes, Reading

Author: Tara Gonzales

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Employment Discrimination

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This Chapter will address the current protections that are available to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT”) individuals who allege they have been victims of employment discrimination. The Chapter’s primary focus will be on federal statutory law, particularly Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although the focus here is on federal law, Appendix I to this Chapter lists the states that protect individuals from public and/or private discrimination under state laws. This topic is explored in four parts: (1) a brief overview of congressional efforts to enact a statute to protect individuals from employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity; (2) discusses Title VII and sexual orientation; (3) discusses ways in which recent courts have handled sexual orientation discrimination under Title VII; and (4) similarly examines early judicial treatment of claims brought by individuals alleging discrimination on the basis of their gender identity and/or expression and explores how the law has developed in this area as well.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Matthew William Green

Educator Training: ADHD

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In this course learners will look at the wide spread diagnosis of ADHD among primary school aged children from the prospective of the instructors and administrators. The course will begin with researching the disorder and how to recognize its symptoms. The course will progress into medical diagnosis, medical treatments, common school accommodations, proposed alternative treatments then concluding with students researching classroom practices and discussing how practices help and hinder students with ADHD and how the proposed alternatives may be implemented to combat those common educator tactics that are perceived to hinder students with ADHD.

Material Type: Module

Author: Jamie Tolliver