U2A2 Information overload!

by Suzanne Dorn 5 years, 6 months ago

Wow!  There is so much great stuff here.  I am almost overwhelmed by the choices.  Several of the resources I found stated that they were remixable, but the remix button wasn't available.  So how does that work?  

Joan Upell 5 years, 6 months ago

Only resources created with the OER Commons tools that are remixable come up with the remix button. Others are licensed to be remixed but not within the OER Commons platform. For the purposes of our class, revisit the directions in Unit 2,  Activity 1. When you search use filters Conditions of Use: Remix and Share plus Content Source: Open Author Resources in an advanced search.

Laura Drietz 5 years, 4 months ago

I had a hard time finding the right resources too. Or I found ones that I already felt were perfect for me and did not NEED to be remixed, I could use them as is. But I found one and just elaborated on the assignments so when I go to use it, it is ready to go. It is making me realize how quickly pulled together some of  my lessons seem, seeing how orgainzed and well thought out many lessons are! Although I am kind of disappointed on the lack of lessons on specific authors or books...something maybe all of us can add to down the road!

Joan Upell 5 years, 4 months ago

Yes, we will be adding our own lessons as part of our class work in year two!

Carmen Shannon 5 years, 4 months ago

I agree!  There lots of great resources for Digital Citizenship, but few to none for other topics I cover in the library.  Hopefully as more and more people use and contribute, the selection will improve!

Olivia Dwyer 5 years, 4 months ago


I love your title. Information overload is right! I actually love that we are looking at this website now because it helps me plan ahead for next year. Happy Searching!