Webinar One - Benefits of OER in your context

by Joanna Schimizzi 1 year, 7 months ago

Let's analyze the landscape of your own MO OER community.

Please share the following:

(Please remember to reply to this prompt. You are welcome to reply to your colleagues as well.)


  1. How is OER currently being used in your local context/organization?
  2. What do you feel is the strongest benefit of OER/OER Commons?
  3. Who do you think might be the strongest champions for OER in your context?
Cheryl Schwartze 1 year, 7 months ago

1. OER is not being utilized much in my district (those that do have searched for things on their own).

2. I think sharing & not recreating the wheel each time is the strongest benefit!

3. In my district I think I will take this to my newer teachers first to get them on board!

Joanna Schimizzi 1 year, 7 months ago

Cheryl -- I compeltely agree that not re-creating the wheel is one of the strongest reasons to look for and contribute to OER. And I agree that newer teachers are a great group - they are really "open" to ideas and love support finding resources.

Jennifer Sutton 1 year, 7 months ago

1. OER is not being used in my local organization right now.  I have been holding after school PD sessions to introduce it to other teachers, but I don't know much about it yet either.

2. I feel like it is a safe, quality place to find resources for teachers.  I also like the idea of having a shared folder where teachers can collaborate within grade levels with resources they have found.

3. I think I am right now.  Not sure anyone else really knows about it yet.

Jenna Kammer 1 year, 7 months ago

I don't believe we are using OER much at my institution but I may be unaware of all the uses. I think some may be using OER textbooks. I would like to increase my own use of OER to show teacher/librarian candidates how to find and adapt lesson plans. I think the search features are amazing and love the rating system. Our library could be helpful as champions for OER, but I feel like it is really more of a content area pursuit, and individual users will be the best ones to showcase what they do with it.

Cheryl Schwartze 1 year, 7 months ago

As a librarian, I agree that I can be an overall champion of the cause but I really need to get some content area teachers on board too!

Cammy Goucher 1 year, 7 months ago

Our office is just getting started with OER.

Providing information that is accessible to all stakeholders.

Our content directors may be the strongest champions for OER.

Katherine Quinn 1 year, 7 months ago

It currently is not being used locally to my knowledge. It will be nice for sharing quality resources, if used in that way. Area curriculum coordinators who could share rich tasks easily among eachother and with their teachers. 

Tricia Hinton 1 year, 7 months ago
  1. How is OER currently being used in your local context/organization?

Unfortunately, we aren't using it at all. 

  1. What do you feel is the strongest benefit of OER/OER Commons?

I think having vetted, educator supported resources is the most valuable benefit!  And the cost! 

  1. Who do you think might be the strongest champions for OER in your context?

I think I am to begin with; but eventaully our Social Studies dept will lead the way; we are always looking for resources to supplement our text. 

Megan Gretzinger 1 year, 7 months ago

I have just started sharing about OER in my district. 

Resources that can be linked to our state standards. 

Young teachers who don't have a lot of resources under their belts. 

Julia Cook 1 year, 7 months ago

We are just starting to implement OER. I think the ability to quickly find curated lesson plans that I  can trust are apporiate for the needed state standards is the strongest benefit.

Danna Bruns 1 year, 7 months ago

1. OER is not being utilized in an organized manner in my district, although there may be some individuals who have utilized it.

2. The biggest benefit of OER will be for those teachers who aren't part of a collaborative team. This will give them a resource they don't have within the district.

3. The biggest advocates for OER will probably be the 5 of us in my office - the Instructional Tech Specialists and Curriculum Facilitators.

Susan German 1 year, 7 months ago

1.  OER is not well shared in science education communities.  There is a group producing fairly high quality curriculum that is OER.

2. Small schools with limited budgets can really benefit from quality OER materials

3. Classroom teachers who use the work and then advocate for the OER materials to be used to other teachers.