Philosophical Inquiry for Classroom


P4C for Students!

Objective: Students will be able to participate in a community of inquiry dedicated to a Philosophical Question.


What words are used in Philosophy?


1. Thinking

2. Reason 

3. Wondering 

4. Ideas 


6. Counter example



Philosophical Questions

What are Philosophical Questions?

A philosophical question does ask for facts (a scientific question would require facts), but looks into the meaning of something that we usually take for granted.

Sample Questions

What does it mean to be a "best friend"? 

Is it ok, to kill some bugs but not others?

Discussion Plan 

How to do Philosophical Inquiry in the Classroom

Discussion Plan for Philosophical Inquiry for the elementary classroom. 

Present the two questions to the class and let take a few minutes think about the questions.


Teacher will ask the students to use vote for the question they would like to discuss using common 

sign (i.e. raised hand) to indicate a "Yes" vote. 

The teacher puts the question with the most votes on the board and asks the students to think about their answer to the question. 

Students are asked to offer possible answers to the question and students are allowed to add to an answer that they agree with. 

Teacher will count the amount of answers suggesting agreement and disagreement and use it let the class see their thinking about 

the question at hand. 

Teacher will ask the students if their thinking about the question changed when they heard other students answers. Students will be asked about their experience and what they might have gained by participating. 


Skills needed for a successful Philosophical Inquiry Session

 > Listening skills 

> Helping others express their ideas 

> Giving reasons 

> Offering examples and or counter examples 

Ideas to remember

~ Philosophical questions do not have Yes or No answers 

~It is alright to think through an idea and change your mind about it

~Even famous Philosophers are still looking for new thinking about their old but relevant problems.

~It is important know the students already have thoughts about the Big Questions.

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