Medicinal & Edible Plants of Montana Used by Indigenous Peoples and Early Settlers
Terri Hildebrand, Ph.D.
Dr. Terri Hildebrand is Associate Professor of Biology at Montana State
University-Northern, where she teaches courses in biology, ecology, botany, and
ornithology. Prior to coming to Northern, she received her Ph.D. in Botany at
the University of Kansas and held appointments at the University of Kansas,
Johnson County Community College, and Southern Utah University.
Medicinal & Edible Plants of Montana Used by
Indigenous Peoples and Early Settlers
This new Special Topics course is open to all
university students in the spring 2017 semester. As a Special Topics course the
numbering reflects upper division credit, but no pre-requisites are required,
allowing students in a variety of disciplines to enroll. The course begins by
providing a content vocabulary that consists of plant, habitat, ecoregion, and
cultural terminology. Teaching with the assumption that non-biology students
enroll, terms are presented and learned in a hands-on context that requires no
previous understanding of biology. For example, basic plant structure is
presented through simple flower dissection and “Structure Jeopardy”, a fun and
interactive approach that allows students to earn points while testing
literacy. Students work together in small groups (3) to collect voucher
specimens of medicinal and edible plants in which the group is most interested.
For native students, it is anticipated that selections may be based on
traditional uses. During this process, students develop specimen collection and
processing skills that allow them to acquire marketable techniques used in
herbaria throughout the world. These same groups collect specific medicinal and
edible plant material (e.g., roots) for their plants, drying and preparing the
material in the manner most often used. For example, roots used as flour
substitutes are presented whole as well as in a ground state. Groups, working
closely with the professor, learn methods on how to research collection
records, find habitat information, and develop geolocation skills, all of which
ensure success in locating material. Students in each group also learn to
perform peer-reviewed scientific literature searches that provide the most
current research and knowledge on culturally important medicinal and edible
plants. As individuals, students are required to gather information through
discussion with family or community members on plant uses, thereby forming
relationships between the broader community and course knowledge. Students are
also encouraged, through literature or community involvement, to explore native
or colloquial names for specific plants and to determine if these terms relate
to cultural uses. Working with the professor, students learn presentation
skills as each group or individual present the information they have learned
using Power Point. Interactive laboratories exercises provide information and
practices on good methodology and mock sessions with the instructor afford
powerful feedback prior to classroom presentation. As available, local and
indigenous guest lecturers provide interactive and personal experiences that
aid to ensure student retention of course material.
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