A15 Running Forward—Foundation of a Successful 0-6 Mental Health and Wraparound Program, Part 1

Kim Stokem, Debbie Reno Smith, Kathy Davison

This workshop will provide an overview of the foundation of a 06 Mental Health and Wraparound System of Care, highlighting main components to implementation and sustainability. The presenters will give perspectives from Systems of Care in two different counties with 06 programs in place and flourishing, as well as from diverse service providers’ roles within the programs. The workshop will discuss diagnosing very young children, the importance of training, necessity for reflective practice and reflective supervision enhanced with mindfulness, and the baby elephant in the room—funding! Each presenter has expertise and vast experience in 06 Mental Health and Wraparound System of Care.

Download: 154WIS376-A15,B15 Running Forward-Foundation of a Suc 0-6 Ment Health and Wrap Prog Parts 1-2.pdf

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