F3 The Benefits of Lead Supervisors in Wraparound

Polly Huffer, Stacey Sharpe, Brittany Nelson

Staff employed within Wraparound programs often work with very intense and complex families which may cause greater risk of staff experiencing compassion fatigue, team conflict and burn out. In addition, due to the “whatever is takes” and the 24/7 availability Wraparound philosophies, staff may struggle with finding a balance in meeting client, program and fiscal needs on a daily basis. This presentation will detail the structure of Casa Pacifica’s Wraparound program in Santa Barbara county—in particular, the implementation of peer support supervisors titled lead supervisors and the benefits of having lead supervisors address the challenges Wraparound staff experience regularly. In addition, this presentation will detail how implementing lead supervisors in Wraparound makes good business sense from a fiscal, contract, and programmatic level.

Download: 154WIS376-F3 The Benefit of Lead Supervisors in Wraparound.pdf

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