School Librarians Advancing STEM Learning, Faculty Fellows, Year 2, Webinar #3
The "School Librarians Advancing STEM Learning" (SLASL) project, supported by IMLS, and in partnership with Granite State College, NH, kicks off Year 2 of the Faculty Fellows, with 8 Fellows, and the project team, September 21 2016.
Meeting AGENDA
- Overview of feedback process and criteria for module review (Megan, Letha) (10 min)
- Walk-through of and Reflections on modules: Please consider: how does this module meet project goals? how does it meet GCS or other learning objectives for the LMS?
- Pat (20 min)
- Peg (20 min)
- October webinar: Highlights and feedback on modules - find a date, discuss agenda, final publishing dates
- Looking toward next year’s goals
Meeting ASSETS:
Slides from the meeting:
Chat Session:
Recorded Video Webinar: