
PBL Artifact Template

1) Driving Question (12.5 points)

What is leadership and what makes a good leader?

-A leader is someone who is in charge of or leads a group/organization.

-Nationally, the leader of our country is the president. Thinking about recent events with elections as well as presidential history, list the characteristics of a good president (leader of our country)

    -What are good qualities or characteristics of the president of the US?

    -Who is one person you know, local or famous, that would be a good president?

    -What qualities do you share with a good leader/president of the US?

    -Why should you be the president of the US?

  • Does the DQ warrant in-depth study? Yes because like stated above, there are multiple questions that go into the DQ and students can come to a solution in their own/numerous ways. There is no set solution path that they have to follow.

  • Is the DQ an authentic and relevant issue/problem for my students? Yes, with the election coming in November the students are constantly hearing and seeing things in the media. We are allowing students to learn more and understand the current presidential leadership events.

  • Is there more than one plausible solution to the DQ? Yes because each student can have a different point of view and incorporate their own opinions into their final solution or answer to the question. They will be able to express this more in depth and it will be more apparent when they complete the culminating activity at the end.

  • Does the DQ provide opportunities for students to evaluate, analyze, present, and defend their solutions? - Provide a brief introduction to your question as well Yes students will be able to share their own opinion about the qualities of a good leader, and more specifically, the qualities of a good president. During the culminating activity, the students will be able to present their opinions on their poster board and describe what good qualities they would have as the leader of the United States.

2) Grabber (22.5 points)

    For our grabber, the teacher will read the class one of the various books about presidents and elections to get the class thinking about the topic and prepare them for the culminating activity. The books include Duck for President, Grace for President, If I Ran for President, and My Teacher for President.

  • Does the story, article, video, announcement, or role play other resource hook the learner into asking more questions about the topic? Yes, these stories get the students thinking about presidential candidates and elections and the stories are engaging so they will be sure to keep the students’ attention.

  • Does the grabber capitalize on novelty and / or high emotion situations? Yes, the topic of presidents is new for the students because they haven’t yet been introduced to presidents and elections in school so far. This activity builds on things they may have seen or talked about with their family regarding the leader of our country.

  • Does the grabber establish authenticity and relevance? Yes , Duck for President relates to the relevance of the election today. In the book “Farmer Brown” and “Duck” are candidates running. Both stories are authentic because even though the characters are fictional, they allow the students to get an idea of how the election process of choosing the best leader works.

  • Make sure to explain how this grabber would be used.

3) Culminating Activity (65 points)

For the culminating activity, we will assign students an individual poster project. Students will list their name at the top of the poster and create/draw a portrait of themselves as president. This portrait will be displayed somewhere on the poster. The poster must also include the qualities that that particular student believes that a president or good leader should have. Students should list these qualities along with the qualities that make them a good leader and why they will make a good president. They should also discuss what they plan to do as president and why the qualities listed previously will help them achieve their plans. After completing the poster, students will present their president poster to the class. Students must introduce themselves, describe in detail the qualities they included on their poster, as well as a detailed description of what they intend to do as president.

  • How is the activity authentic? The activity is authentic because it provides the students with an original project in which they can use their imagination as well as what they learned in class to arrive at their own finished product. This project is genuine and will allow the students to gain a better understanding of leadership in not only our country but in themselves and the qualities and importance of leadership in general.

  • Does the activity provide students with the opportunity to present and defend problem solution? The activity allows for students the opportunity to present and defend problem solution by allowing them to voice their own opinion as well as arrive at their own individual final product of the project in their own way. On the poster, they are able to present or organize their information in whatever way that they would like and they can provide the information that they personally believe is most important.

  • Does the activity require student collaboration? Yes because they will be required to talk as a class about what important qualities of presidents are, as well as leadership. Students will also discuss in class the process of elections as well as political parties and their views. They will be able to defend or argue what they believe in amongst one another. Whenever students present their poster and explain the information they have included, the students listening to the presentation will be able to debate the presenter’s opinions or ask any questions they may have.

  • How will I judge what students have learned from the activity? We will be judging this activity based on the rubric.

    • You will likely need to create a rubric for this step and example materials.


Your President Poster Must Include:

  • Your name at the top of the poster (1 point)

  • A drawing of yourself as president (2 points)

  • 5- 10 qualities of a good president or leader (5 points)

  • 5-10 qualities that you have that will make you a good president (5 points)

  • 3 things you plan to do as president and how your qualities will help you do these things (5 points)

  • Must be colorful and easy to read (2 points)

  • Must have at least 2 pictures (2 points)

Total Points of Poster: 22 points

Your Presentation Must Include:

  • A small introduction of yourself (4 points)

  • A detailed description of the qualities you listed (4 points)

  • A detailed explanation of what you will do as president (6 points)

  • Must answer all questions asked by teacher and classmates during discussion following the presentation (4 points)

Total Points of Presentation: 18 points

Entire Culminating Activity Point Total: 40 points

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