New Middle School Creation Project

This is a project encouraging students to be creative and unique by creating their own version of school.

New Middle School Creation Project

        I.            Driving Question

a.      If given $1,000,000 how would you reconstruct the school? Why would you build it that way? Account for all the money that you are given and how you spend it. Give reasoning for everything you purchase.

      II.            Grabber



c.       These videos would work as a grabber to help demonstrate the basic idea of how the students will present their project. The students are going to walk the class through the school they built through photos and virtual tours.

    III.            Culminating Activity

a.      Students will get into groups of 2 to 4 people and create a 3D model of the school that they have created and present it to the class. The presentation of will include a virtual walk through of their school (The model will include, a standard classroom, the gym, the auditorium, the outside of the building as a whole (including the yard and arenas and any other important aspects of the outside), the lunch room, and any other important rooms that they deem necessary to their building (such as science rooms, music rooms, locker rooms, restrooms, faculty rooms, etc.)), a blueprint style drawing, and a breakdown of expenses. Students can make the 3D models in person or through online computer programs such as Minecraft, Sims, or other software programs.

b.      Grading will include

                                                              i.      A 3D model (constructed online or in person) 60 Points

                                                            ii.      A drawn (or printed) blueprint of the basic school structure drawn to scale, with the scale that is used clearly indicated (such as 1 in. = 10 ft.) 20 Points

                                                          iii.      A printed out (or hand written) breakdown of expenses (including construction, landscaping, interior design, etc.) 20 Points

                                                           iv.      The presentation of the model to the class 40 Points

1.      Which will include:

a.      Model

b.      Blueprint

c.       Reasoning for room sizes, purchases, and why the students created what they did and why they placed certain things in certain places

d.      Explanation of any difficulties faced


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