School Librarians Advancing STEM Learning, Faculty Fellows, Year 2, Webinar #4
ISKME's "School Librarians Advancing STEM Learning" (SLASL) project,
supported by IMLS, and in partnership with Granite State College, NH, meets with Faculty Fellows and the project team on October 17, 2016 to highlight and offer feedback on fellows' work.
Meeting AGENDA
- Welcome and review of goals, feedback process and criteria for module review (Amee) (10 min)
- Walk-through of and Reflections on modules: Please consider: how does this module meet project goals? how does it meet GCS or other learning objectives for the LMS?
- Susan (20 min)
- Carol (20 min)
- Ann (20 min)
- Final webinar for feedback on modules - find a date
Meeting ASSETS:
Slides from the previous meeting:
Chat Session:
Recorded Webinar: