Grade 3 - PARCC Item & Task Prototypes, Key Advances, Connecting Content & Practices

PARCC Item & Task Prototypes, Key Advances, Connecting Content & Practices

PARCC Item & Task Prototypes

Grade 3 - Mathematics

PARCC Examples of Key Advances

Students in grade 3 begin to enlarge their concept of number by developing an understanding of fractions as numbers. This work will continue in grades 3–6, preparing the way for work with the complete rational number system in grades 6 and 7.

Students in grades K–2 worked on number; place value; and addition and subtraction concepts, skills and problem solving. Beginning in grade 3, students will learn concepts, skills and problem solving for multiplication and division. This work will continue in grades 3, 4 and 5, preparing the way for work with ratios and proportions in grades 6 and 7.

PARCC Examples of Opportunities for Connecting Mathematical Content & Mathematical Practices

Students learn and use strategies for finding products and quotients that are based on the properties of operations; for example, to find 4 x 7, they may recognize that 7 = 5 + 2 and compute 4 x 5 + 4 x 2. This is an example of seeing and making use of structure (MP.7). Such reasoning processes amount to brief arguments that students may construct and critique (MP.3).

Students will analyze a number of situation types for multiplication and division, including arrays and measurement contexts. Extending their understanding of multiplication and division to these situations requires that they make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (MP.1),  look for and make use of structure (MP.7) as they model these situations with mathematical forms (MP.4), and attend to precision (MP.6) as they distinguish different kinds of situations over time (MP.8).

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