Uploading a Speech from an iPad to a Moodle Forum
Record Video on iPad:
Step One: Set the Recording Quality :
Touch the “Settings” icon from the home screen of the iPad
Touch “Photos and Camera” and then “1080 at 30 fps”
Change the setting to “720p HD at 30 fps”
Step Two: Record the Video:
Navigate back to the home screen and open the camera app on the iPad
Choose “Video” from the bottom right. (This will turn the "record" circle from white to red.)
When the presenter is ready, push the red record button to start recording the speech. Push the button again to stop recording.
Upload Video to Moodle Forum
Step One: Log into Portal and Navigate to Forum Post:
Go back to the home screen and touch the Safari icon.
Go to portal.midmich.edu and log in with your Username and Password.
Touch the Moodle link, find your class and then the appropriate forum for this speech.
Step Two: Post your Video to the Forum:
Touch the "Add a new discussion topic" button
Write your name in the Subject line and type the name of the speech in the Message space.
NOTE: there must be something typed in both spaces for this post to go through.
Touch the add attachment icon
Touch “Choose File” and then “Photo Library”
Touch “videos”, and then choose your video.
Touch “Use” and wait for it to compress your video.
Touch Upload this file - this may take several minutes depending on how many students are uploading or using the MMCC WiFi at the time. (If it seems to get stuck for a long time, you can repeat the process.)
Touch “Post to forum”
You are good to go! 👍 Your video is now posted in the forum where you and others can review it.
Log out of any Portal tabs that you have open:
Erase video from iPad
- Navigate to the home screen of the iPad and touch the camera icon
- Touch the picture of your video in the bottom right corner
- Touch the trash can icon and then choose “delete video”