The Appendicular Skeleton: Introduction and Pectoral Girdle; Appendicular Skeletal Terms Checklist

The Appendicular Skeleton: Introduction and Pectoral Girdle; Appendicular Skeletal Terms Checklist


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Pectoral girdle




The appendicular skeleton is made of the 126 bones of four classes:

1.    Pectoral girdle (4)

2.     Pelvic girdle (2)

3.     Upper extremities (60)

4.     Lower extremities (60)

Pectoral Girdle (4) (Linked to figure 8.3- Pectoral Girdle)

1.    Clavicle (2)

a.    Acromial End

                                              i.     Horizontally flat

                                             ii.     Rough

                                           iii.     Lateral

                                           iv.     Feature on the top of this end, which is called the Conoid Tubercle

b.    Sternal End

                                              i.     Blunt

                                             ii.     Vertical

                                           iii.     Medial

2.    Scapula (2) (Linked to figure 8.4- Scapula)

a.    Acromion forms the apex of the shoulder.

b.    Coracoid process is shaped like a crow’s beak, providing attachment for biceps and other muscles of the arm.

c.    Glenoid cavity is shallow socket that articulates with the head of the humerus.

d.    Spine is a sharp, slender process.


Appendicular Terms Checklist


Pectoral Girdle

Upper Limb

Pelvic Girdle

Lower Limb

Clavicle   P112

·      Sternal end

·      Acromial end

Humerus  P113

·      Head

·      Greater tubercle

·      Lesser tubercle

·      Intertubercular groove

·      Deltoid tuberosity

·      Medial epicondyle

·      Lateral epicondyle

·      Capitulum

·      Trochlea

·      Olecranon fossa

·      Coronoid fossa

Ilium  P117,118 (superior)

·      Iliac crest

·      Anterior superior iliac spine

·      Anterior inferior iliac spine

·      Posterior superior iliac spine

·      Posterior inferior iliac spine

·      Greater sciatic notch

Femur P119

·      Head

·      Neck

·      Greater trochanter

·      Lesser trochanter

·      Linea aspera


·      Lateral epicondyle

·      Medial epicondyle

·      Lateral condyle

·      Medial condyle

·      Intercondylar groove


Scapula  P111

·      Acromion

·      Scapular spine

·      Coracoid process

·      Glenoid cavity (fossa)

·      Supraspinous fossa

·      Infraspinous fossa

·      Medial border

·      Lateral border

·      Superior border

Radius  P114

·      Head

·      Neck

·      Radial tuberosity

·      Styloid process

Ulna   P114 (medial)

·      Olecranon process

·      Trochlear notch

·      Coronoid process

·      Styloid process

·      Radial notch

Ischium  P117,118


·      Ischial tuberosity

·      Lesser sciatic notch

·      Ischial spine

·      Obturator foramen

Patella P120

·      Sesmoid


·      Develops in tendons

Tibia P121 (medial)

·      Intercondylar eminence

·      Medial condyle

·      Lateral condyle

·      Tibial tuberosity

·      Medial malleolus

Carpals, Metacarpals, & Phalanges


·      Carpals = 8

·      Short bones of the wrist

·      Metacarpals = 5

·      Palm of the hand

·      Phalanges = 14

·      (3/finger, 2/thumb)

·      Total = 27 bones/hand

Pubis  P117,118 (inferior,anterior)

·      Superior and inferior rami

·      Pubic arch

·      Pubic symphysis


Fibula P121(lateral)

·      Head

·      Lateral malleolus

Tarsals, Metatarsals, &



·      Tarsals = 7

·      Ankles

·      Metatarsals = 5

·      Instep

·      Phalanges = 14

·      (3/toe, 2/big toe)

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