Systemic Blood Vessels

For all vessels listed, you should be able to:

·      identify the vessels on both the diagrams and models

·      distinguish between right and left for vessels that are bilateral

·      state the major organ that is supplied or drained by the vessels


Review of Pulmonary Circulation

[Section 20.5.1: Pulmonary Circulation]

[Figure 20.23: Pulmonary Circuit]

[Table 20.4: Pulmonary Arteries and Veins]

The Aorta and Aortic Arch

[Section 20.5.3: The Aorta; Section Aortic Arch Branches]

[Figure 20.24: Systemic Arteries]

[Figure 20.25: Aorta]

[Figure 20.26: Arteries Supplying the Head and Neck]

[Figure 20.27: Arteries Serving the Brain]

[Table 20.5: Components of the Aorta]

aorta (sections):


aortic arch

descending (here called the “thoracic” aorta)

aorta (branches):

coronary arteries

brachiocephalic trunk

subclavian a.

common carotid a.

external carotid a.

internal carotid a.

vertebral a.

basilar a.

superficial temporal a.

facial a.

maxillary a.


Cerebral Arterial Circle (aka, the Circle of Willis)

internal carotid a.

vertebral a.

basilar a.

anterior cerebral a.

middle cerebral a.

posterior cerebral a.

anterior communicating a.

posterior communicating a.


Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta

[Section Thoracic Aorta and Major Branches; Section Abdominal Aorta and Major Branches]

[Figure 20.28: Arteries of the Thoracic and Abdominal Regions]

[Figure 20.29 Major Branches of the Aorta]

[Table 20.7: Arteries of the Thoracic Region]

[Table 20.8: Vessels of the Abdominal Aorta]


thoracic aorta

intercostal aa.

celiac trunk

splenic a.

common hepatic a.

left gastric a.

superior mesenteric a.

renal a.

gonadal a.

inferior mesenteric a.

common iliac a.

internal iliac a.

external iliac a.


Arteries Serving the Upper Limbs

[Section 20.5.5: Arteries Serving the Upper Limbs]

[Figure 20.31: Major Arteries Serving]

[Figure 20.32: Major Arteries of the Upper Limb]

[Table 20.9: Arteries Serving the Upper Limbs]

axillary a.

brachial a.

radial a.

ulnar a.           

digital aa.

deep palmar arch

superficial palmar arch


Arteries Serving the Lower Limbs

[Section 20.5.6: Arteries Serving the Lower Limbs]

[Figure 20.33: Major Arteries Serving the Thorax and Upper Limb]

[Figure 20.34: Systemic Arteries of the Lower Limb]

[Table 20.10: Arteries Serving the Lower Limbs]

femoral a.

deep femoral a.

popliteal a.

fibular a.

plantar a.

dorsalis pedis a.

digital aa.


Superior Vena Cava and Veins of Head & Neck

[Section The Superior Vena Cava]

[Section Veins of the Head and Neck]

[Section Venous Drainage of the Brain]

[Figure 20.35: Major Systemic Veins of the body ]

[Figure 20.36: Veins of the Thoracic and Abdominal Regions]

[Figure 20.37: Veins of the Head and Neck]

[Figure 20.39: Veins Flowing into the Superior Vena Cava]

internal jugular v.

external jugular v.

brachiocephalic v.

subclavian v.

superior vena cava


Veins Draining the Upper Limbs

[Section Veins Draining the Upper Limbs]

[Figure 20.38: Veins of the Upper Limb]

[Figure 20.39: Veins Flowing into the Superior Vena Cava]

subclavian v.

cephalic v.

axillary v.

brachial v.

basilic v.

median cubital v.

radial v.

ulnar v.

digital vv.


The Inferior Vena Cava

[Section The Inferior Vena Cava]

[Figure 20.40; Venous Flow into Inferior Vena Cava]

inferior vena cava

hepatic v.

renal veins

common iliac v.

internal iliac v.

external iliac v.

azygos v.

hemiazygous v.

renal veins

common iliac v.

internal iliac v.

external iliac v.

gonadal v.


Hepatic Portal System

[Section 20.5.8: Hepatic Portal System]

[Figure 20.43: Hepatic Portal System]

hepatic v.

hepatic portal v.

splenic v.

superior mesenteric v.

inferior mesenteric v.


Veins Draining the Lower Limbs

[Section Veins Draining the Lower Limbs]

[Figure 20.41: Major Veins Serving the Lower Limbs]

[Figure 20.42: Major Veins of the Lower Limb]

femoral v.

great saphenous v.

popliteal v.

plantar venous arch

dorsal venous arch

digital vv.



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