Kyle Rosenbaum PBL


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Team member

Name:_________Kyle Rosenbaum______________


Topic:_________________________________World war 2_____________________________________________

Part 1:  Driving question:   (*You should schedule a time to meet with your partners to discuss this before doing Class Prep#7)

  • What are your three initial driving questions?

    • 1. In what ways has our current president overextended his rights as our leader?

    • 2. Is it possible to stop all biases and racism in this country?

    • 3. How much did world war 2 affect the american economy after the war?

  • What is your one, final driving question?

What series of events had the biggest impact on the American Economy after World War 2?

  • Background information of this driving question:

I am working with the 10th grade level. I am targeting a basic college prep standard of learning. The information they should know is all about world war 2 and how it affected this country during and after the war. From knowing that information they will be able to answer this question well.

  • Why do you think this is a good driving question?

Try to answer these 4 questions. (But you should not answer them with yes or no, instead explain the details and convince me that you’ve met these criteria)

Question 1 answer- Our president has overextended his powers over the country by a multitude of actions. He has called out the press for being “fake news” and has business ties involved in presidential matters.

Question 2 answer-I do not believe it is possible in the current culture to stop biases because people learn from their environment biases and it is impossible to change our environment in a way that everybody would view each others as equals.  

Question 3 answer- World war 2 was affected by manufacturing of weaponry and that is what I believe is worth the most to the economy at the time.  It helped the manufacturing part of capitalism and helped us produce more jobs in factories.

Question 4 answer- A series of events such as a move to suburbs for many as well as the production of automobiles I believe was the reason for an economic boom. This created more storefronts in suburban areas which helped create a giant increase in jobs for people in the suburbs. Cars also made suburbs more accessible and it allowed people to move to the suburbs to get the ideal “american dream” life.

    • Does the DQ warrant in-depth study?

Yes, it certainly does because we have to look at how the people adjusted to the suburban life and what exactly was done to help increase an economic boom. The students need to study the life of the average suburban family and how they lived.

    • Is the DQ an authentic and relevant issue/problem for my students?

Yes, because my students are learning about history and they need to learn about how people adjusted to life after WWII.

    • Is there more than one plausible solution to the DQ?

There are a few reasons for the economic boom, but I believe this reason requires a more in-depth study.

    • Does the DQ provide opportunities for students to evaluate, analyze, present, and defend their solutions?

Yes based on their first project in this unit. This will incorporate analyzation of life in the suburbs.

Part2: Grabber

  • What is your grabber?

Intro grabber- The instructor would have the students on their ipads read this article which is an introduction for the students about post WWII America. We then proceed to have a discussion about current suburban life and we would learn how the students perceive the average modern suburban family. The students would then focus in on what the main advantages of living in suburban life would be.

Lecture- The instructor would then lecture about the new ideas of suburban life and the way that the families lived. After this we introduce the idea of the “American Dream”. This is essential to understanding the post-war economic boom.  

  • Why do you think this grabber is beneficial and how it  align with your driving question?

  • Does the story, article, video, announcement, role play, or other resource hook the learner into asking more questions about the topic?

Yes, the article does hook the learner because it talks about the introduction of modern objectives students can relate too. It introduces suburban life and the “american dream” which most students understand on a personal basis.

  • Does the grabber capitalize on novelty and / or high emotion situations?

Yes, I believe it capitalizes on a high emotion situation because it is the first time in the class where students may have a personal connection to the information we are learning. Students tend to be more engaged when they have a personal connection with the information they are learning.

  • Does the grabber establish authenticity & relevance?

The grabber absolutely establishes relevance because it is relevant to the information the instructor is teaching in class. The grabber engages the students into things they possibly enjoy like automobiles, tv’s, as well as other modern technologies. This information is relevant to why the economy prospered after the war.

1) Activity 1

  • What is your first activity?

A group project with 4 people per group and 5 groups. Each group would study the prosperity of each industry after the war. The industries include automobiles, aircraft, housing, highways, and the space program. The students would present to the class after 3 50 minute class periods of working on it. The presentation would involve how each industry prospered and what happened specifically to each industry after the war. Students would be looking at two questions. Why specifically did this industry prosper after WWII? How did people react to the growth of this specific industry? The students would target these specific questions and would have to address them in their presentation to the rest of the class. Students would have to take notes on each industry and answer the main questions that are originally asked for each industry.

  • Why do you think this is a good activity for PBL?

Try to answer these 4 questions.  (But you should not answer them with yes or no, instead explain the details and convince me that you’ve met these criteria)

  • How is the activity authentic?

The activity is authentic because students get to choose which industry they are interested in and they get to study it intensely to answer the specific questions asked. This activity is engaging and fun, I believe that students will be very interested in this activity because they are about topics that are deemed more enjoyable than just basic history.

  • Does the activity provide students with the opportunity to present and defend problem solution?

The activity provides the opportunity to present the solution to the two main questions that were originally asked. Each group has a part in the answer and they must answer the two questions so everybody can learn about the economic boom post WWII.

  • Does the activity require student collaboration?

It absolutely requires student collaboration because each topic has a group of 4 students who need to work together to research on how a specific industry advanced the economic boom.

  • How will I judge what students have learned from the activity?

    • You will need to create a rubric for this step and potential example materials as well.

Rubric- 30 point project


-10 points if they answer both questions and have relevant information on why the economy prospered.

-5 points if they answer one of the two questions and have some relevant information on why the economy prospered

-0 points if they answer 0 of the two questions and have irrelevant information

Group involvement

-10 points if work is divided up evenly during the bulk of the project and during the presentation

-5 points if work is slanted towards a few members of the group while others do little compared to the best of the group

-0 points if a student does little to no work on the project.


-10 points if voice is clear, posture is good, and eyes are focused in on the class.

-5 points if only sometimes voice is clear, posture is below average, and eyes are only focused on one specific object or person

-0 points if voice is not clear, posture is poor, and eyes are only focused in on one person or object.

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