Do Plants Need Light?

This project for students helps them learn about how plants grow and the different things that are factors of the process.

Driving Question: Do plants need sufficient light to grow well?

Grabber: Instructor shares a video about plants and how they grow using different aspects of the environment.  The video prepares the students for the activity that they will get to do and gives them time to think of things that they do not quite understand about the process.  They can ask the instructor their questions based on the video they watch, and it will help them to work through the project that they do later.

Standards: K.L.S.1 Describe and compare the growth and development of common living plants and animals.

K.L.S.2 Describe and compare the physical features of common living plants and animals.

K.L.S.3 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

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