Wax Museum

Driving Question: If you could go back in history and meet any famous American, who would it be and why? 

Grabber: The teacher would dress up as a famous historical American for a day or class period. The teacher would be in character and tell the kids a little about their life and how they lived. 

Culminating Activity: Students will research their figure by reading a book, write a research paper with the information, and finally dress up and use props for a wax museum. 

Standards: 4.W.3.2 Write informative compositions on a variety of topics, 4.RL.2.2 Paraphrase or retell the main events in a story, myth, legend, or novel; identify the theme and provide evidence for the interpretation, History-- Students trace the historical periods, places, people, events, and movements that have led to the development of Indiana as a state, and 4.1.15 Create and interpret timelines that show relationships among people, events, and movements in the history of Indiana. 

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