GMOs: Life Changing?

GMOs: Life Changing?

Grade Level: 11- 12

Subject: Advanced Life Science Animals

Duration: 100 minutes

DOK Level: 4

Indiana Standard: ALSA-4.17

 Describe the role of biotechnology on the process of selection. Discuss the impact of biotechnology on heritability and how genes are passed on, the introduction of novel genetic information, and the use of genes from any source. Explain the role of gene markers in biotechnology applications. Describe and evaluate reproductive technology techniques inherent in biotechnology. Also, describe the impact of biotechnology on the production and synthesis of drugs.

Description: The students will be learn about GMOs and their impact on society by watching a video, conducting research, and creating an opinion paper.

Objective: Students will analyze the pro and con arguments for the use of GMOs and create a fact based paper on their opinion if they agree with the use of GMOs with at least 5 facts and no more than 5 grammatical errors.


  1. Ask the students to write down what they know about GMOs.
  2. Have the students watch, “The Eyes of Nye Modified Foods”
  3. Discuss the main points of video and the students reactions.
  4. Have the students complete additional research on GMOs and take notes on their findings.
  5. Allow time for students to create an opinion paper supported with at least 5 facts from research.

Product or Assessment: One page fact based opinion paper on the use of GMOs that has been cited.

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