Collecting and Analyzing Data for Bar Graphs

Collecting and Analyzing Data for Bar Graphs

Grade Level: 2

Subject: Math

Duration: 30 - 45 minutes

DOK Level: 3

Indiana Standard:2.DA.1: Draw a picture graph (with single-unit scale) and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four choices (What is your favorite color? red, blue, yellow, green). Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in the graphs.

Objective:Students will be able to collect and analyze data while creating graphs.

Procedure:The students and teacher will brain storm survey questions.  Examples: What is your favorite color?  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  What is your favorite zoo animal?  How many pets do you have at your house?  Students will then use a personal learning device or pencil/paper to survey classmates and/or other students in the building, noting data in a tally chart in a Google Doc.  After the students have surveyed 10 - 20  people, they will total tally charts and create a bar graph using the site:

Resources: Personal learning device, Google Docs, Google Slides and/or pencil/paper, Sample survey included: Favorite Ice Cream Doc:

Product or Assessment:Tally chart/line plot, Bar graph

Accommodations:As necessary, the teacher could assign a higher level student to assist or assign small groups to assist.

Enrichment:Teachers will meet with small groups to evaluate the question used, tally chart/line plot and bar graph. Students will present their groups’ bar graphs to the class.

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