Abraham Lincoln Movie Trailer Compare and Contrast

Abraham Lincoln Movie Trailer Compare and Contrast

Grade Level:



US History/Social Studies 8

1 class periods

DOK Level:


Indiana Standard:

8.1.21 - Key events, individuals of the Civil War

8.1.29 - Distinguish facts from historical interpretations


Students will be able to analyze two theatrical movie trailers for movies pertaining to the life of Abraham Lincoln, identifying factual and dramatized components and attempt to find connections between the two trailers.


  1. Show students the Lincoln trailer (while filling out the analysis form)
  2. After giving students time to fill out the form, give students an opportunity to discuss the trailer based on the questions found in the form
  3. Show students the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter trailer (while filling out the analysis form)
  4. After giving students time to fill out the form, give students an opportunity to discuss the trailer based on the questions found in the form
  5. Tell students that they will now write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two trailers using the information gathered in their analysis forms.

Product or Assessment: Written response

Accommodations: Students could be allowed to fill out a Venn diagram in place of the writing assignment.

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