Loss of Hearing

Loss of Hearing

Grade Level: High School

Subject: Psychology

Duration: 1-2 class periods        

DOK Level: 3

Indiana Standard: Standard 2 — Biological Bases of Behavior Students investigate the structure, biochemistry and circuitry of the brain and the nervous system to understand their roles in affecting behavior.

Objective: Students will understand the role of our sense of hearing in biological psychology. Students will be able to recall how our sense of hearing works, understand the impact hearing has on our biological psychology, and debate the different types of treatment for deafness.

Procedure:Students will view a video lecture on how our sense of hearing works, the different types of deafness, and the different treatments available. Once students have viewed the lecture, there is an article for students to read about the debate over cochlear implants.

Product or Assessment: There are review questions for students to complete over the main content and concepts in the video lecture, as well as on opportunity for students to develop an argument either for or against cochlear implants.

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