Conflict in Syria
Conflict in Syria
Grade Level: Middle School
Subject: Social Studies
Duration: 1-2 class periods
DOK Level: 3
Indiana Standard: 7.1.13 Identify and explain the significance of historical events in the Middle East since the end of World War II.
7.1.14 Identify and explain recent conflicts and political issues between nations or cultural groups and evaluate the solutions that different organizations have utilized to address these conflicts.
Objective: Students will be able to identify and explain the current conflict in Syria. Students will also be able to evaluate the situation in Syria and formulate their opinion on the topic, citing evidence from the material provided.
Procedure: Students will view a PowerPoint presentation over the current conflict Syria. Students are encouraged to take notes on the main concepts and content covered in the PowerPoint. Students will also read a recent news article on the conflict in Syria and the current refugee situation.
Product or Assessment:Students will write a paper summarizing the conflict in Syria, including how the conflict started, and what the significance of the situation is on the world stage. Students will also need to discuss their personal opinion on the topic, citing evidence from the PowerPoint or the news article.