Absolutism in Russia

Absolutism in Russia

Grade Level: High School

Subject: World History

Duration: 1 class period

DOK Level: 3

SAMR Level: Augmentation

Indiana Standard: WH.4.8 Trace the development and impact of absolute monarchies in Europe.

Objective: Students will be able to recall how absolutism was illustrated in Russia, as well as understand the impact. Students will also be able to construct on argument using supportive evidence from the lesson on whether or not the absolute monarchs of Russia deserve the title of “great”.

Procedure: Students will view a video lecture over absolutism in Russia, including absolute monarchs and how absolutism was demonstrated. Students are encouraged to take notes over the main concepts and content presented in the video lecture.

Swank World History- Absolutism in Russia

Product or Assessment: Students will be completing review questions over the main content and concepts presented in the video lecture. Students will also be formulating an argument using supporting evidence from the lesson on whether or not the absolute monarchs of Russia deserve the title of the “great”.

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