History of South/ Central Africa

History of South/ Central Africa

Grade Level: Middle School

Subject: Social Studies

Duration: 1-2 class periods

DOK Level: 4

SAMR Level: Redefinition

Indiana Standard: 7.1.3 Assess the development of sub-Saharan civilizations in Africa and the importance of political and trading centers.

Objective: Students will be able to assess the development of the ancient civilizations in South/ Central Africa, and their political and trading importance on the region. Students will demonstrate their understanding by creating an online postcard.

Procedure: Students will view a video lecture of the ancient civilization of South/ Central Africa. Students are encouraged to take notes over the main concepts and content presented in the lecture.

Product or Assessment: Students will be creating an online postcard to demonstrate their understanding of the material presented. Requirements for the postcard are: (1) Students must describe the development of Great Zimbabwe, and its political and trading importance in two complete paragraphs, (2) include a picture or two that illustrate Great Zimbabwe, and (3) be created in an online format.

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