Laboratory Introduction: Determining Rate
Lab Introduction: Determining Rate
Grade Level: High School
Subject: Chemistry 1
Duration: 1 class period
DOK Level: 3
SAMR Level: Substitution
Indiana Standard:
- 11-12.LST.2.3: Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the test.
- 11-12.LST.5.2: Write informative texts, including scientific procedures/ experiments or technical processes that include precise descriptions and conclusions drawn from data and research.
- 11-12.LST.7.1: Conduct short as well as sustained research assignments and tasks to answer a question, test a hypothesis, or solve a problem.
- Students will write the hypothesis, variable, and controls for a lab.
- Students will learn to read an alcohol thermometer.
- Students will calculate the rate of change in temperature.
- Set up a thermometer ahead of time in a beaker of room temperature water. Also, have hot water on hand ready to go at the beginning of class.
- Explain how to read a thermometer.
- After splitting students up into groups of 2 or 3, have them write the hypothesis, variable, and controls for the lab looking at how fast water cools. Then have them perform the lab.
- When finished, help students calculate the rate of temperature change between the 2 samples.
- Link to previous lesson.
- Link to next lesson.
- Hot water
- Beakers of varying sizes
- Beaker tongs or hot pads
- Graduated cylinder
- Thermometer
- Stop watch