Absolutism in England
Absolutism in England
Grade Level: High School
Subject: World History
Duration: 1 class period
DOK Level: 2
SAMR Level: Augmentation
Indiana Standard: WH.4.8 Trace the development and impact of absolute monarchies in Europe. WH.4.9 Describe the progression of events in England that led to constitutional monarchy such as the Magna Carta, the English Civil War, and the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
Objective: Students will be able to trace the development and impact of absolute monarchies in England. Students will also be able to describe the progression of events that led to a constitutional monarch, such as the English Civil War.
Procedure: Students will be watching a video lecture over Absolutism in England. Students are encouraged to take notes on the main concepts and content presented in the video lecture.
Product or Assessment: Students will be completing review questions over the main concepts and content presented in the video lecture.