Search for Spices

Search for Spices

Grade Level: High School

Subject: World History

Duration: 1 class period

DOK Level: 1

SAMR Level: Augmentation

Indiana Standard: WH.4.4 Explain the causes of the worldwide voyages of exploration.

WH.4.5 Explain consequences of the conquests and colonization as a result of the worldwide voyages of exploration including the transatlantic slave trade, Columbian Exchange, and the effects on native populations in the Americas.

Objective: Students will be able to explain the causes of worldwide exploration, and the consequences exploration and colonization had a result of said exploration, in particular to the native populations in the Americas.

Procedure: Students will view powerpoint presentation over the “Search for Spices” in the Age of Exploration. Students are encouraged to take notes on the main content and concepts presented in the powerpoint.

Product or Assessment: Students will be completing review questions on the main concepts and content presented in the video lecture.

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