Reading Wax Museum
Title: Reading Wax Museum
Grade Level: Sixth Grade
Subject: Reading
Duration: One Week (1 hour per day)
DOK Level: Level 3
SAMR Level: Redefinition
Indiana Standard:
- 6.SL.4.2 Create engaging presentations that include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.
Objective: Students will be able to memorize a prepared speech describing a character of their favorite book
- The Name of Your Favorite Book Character That You Will “Become”:
- Title of the Book:
- Author of the Book:
- A Short 5-10 Sentence Summary of the Book:
- Description of What You Will Wear & How You Will Look:
- Description of Any Mannerisms or Habits You Will “Take On” for Your Presentation:
- Your 30 Second Speech:
Product or Assessment:
30 second speech