Author's Viewpoint vs. Author's Purpose
Title: Author’s Viewpoint vs Author’s Purpose
Grade Level: Sixth Grade
Subject: Reading
Duration: 1 hour - 1 hour 15 min
DOK Level: Level 2
SAMR Level: Augmentation
Indiana Standard: 6.RL.3.2 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a work of literature and how the narrator or speaker impacts the mood, tone, and meaning of a text.
Objective: Compare and contrast the differences between author’s purpose and author’s viewpoint
- Use the link above to take notes over the differences between author’s purpose and author’s viewpoint. Make sure you include as must detail as possible.
Author’s Purpose (Definition):
- Examples:
Author’s Viewpoint (Definition):
- Examples
- To Inform:
- To Entertain:
- To Persuade:
- To Reflect:
** Look for ____, _____, and ______ that the writer uses.
Product or Assessment:
Author’s Purpose Activity: