Least Common Multiple

Title: Least Common Multiple

Grade Level: Sixth Grade

Subject: Math

Duration: One hour

DOK Level: Level One

SAMR Level: Substitution

Indiana Standard: 6.NS.7: Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12.

Objective: Review and practice the concepts of least common multiples


1. Label your spiral notebook page “Least Common Multiple”

2. Watch the Study Jams video.


  • Complete the step-by-step activity that goes with LCM. You should have 4 problems to do (Home, Watchout, and two Try It problems).
  • Complete the 7 questions quiz titled “Test Yourself”. Write down your score.

**Make sure you show all of your work in your spiral notebook.**

3. LCM Games and Activities:




IXL: Math Standards: Complete your  daily limit of 10 free problems. Show your work in your spiral notebook.

  • E. 8 Least Common Multiple
  • E. 9 GCF and LCM: Word Problems
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