Multiply Mixed Numbers

Title: Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Grade Level: Sixth Grade

Subject: Math

Duration: 45 min

DOK Level: Level One

SAMR Level: Substitution

Indiana Standard: 6.C.2: Compute with positive fractions and positive decimals fluently using a standard algorithmic approach.

Objective: Review and practice the concepts of multiplying mixed numbers


Khan Academy:

  • Click on “Practice the Concept” after you watch the video.

Practice Quiz:

  • Solve questions #1-4. You may show your work on a sheet of paper. Write your score when you are finished.

IXL: Math (Multiply Fractions)

  • K.10 Multiply Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers
  • K.11 Multiply Mixed Numbers

Activity and Games:

  • Complete at least 10 practice problems, then you may select one of the games on the right hand side of the screen.
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