Social Media Project- A Tale of Two Cities

Social Media Project- A Tale of Two Cities

Grade Level: 9-10

Subject: English

Duration: 45 minute lesson

DOK Level: 3

Indiana Standard:

9-10.RL.2.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what a text says explicitly as well as inferences and interpretations drawn from the text.

9-10.RL.2.3 Analyze how dynamic characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Common Core Standard:



Description: Students will use their favorite forms of social media to analyze the traits, decisions, and dialogue of the characters in A Tale of Two Cities.


  • Students will be able to cite specific examples from a text
  • Students will analyze traits, decisions, and dialogue of specific characters in A Tale of Two Cities
  • Students will be able to recall what has been read and increase understanding of the text

Essential Question:

How does each character’s traits, decisions, and dialogue affect the plot and themes of A Tale of Two Cities?


  1. The teacher will explain that students will complete an assignment containing many types of social media pages as if they were created by the characters in A Tale of Two Cities.
  2. Students will have the entire class period to work while the teacher walks around the room to provide assistance.
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