Expository Writing Rubric






Ideas: Theme

My writing has a purpose and theme that not just a topic.

My writing has a theme.

My writing is focused on a topic but doesn't really have a theme.

The topic and theme of my writing are unclear.

Ideas: Topic

The topic of my writing is clear and narrow enough to be covered thoroughly.

The topic is narrow enough to be covered adequately.

The topic may be too broad to be covered adequately.

The topic is too broad.

Ideas: Sources

Information is well-supported by several good sources, and I combine my own knowledge and experiences with information from outside sources, when appropriate, to create fresh, new insights.

Information is supported by good sources, and I combine my own personal experiences with information from external sources, when appropriate, to describe the topic.

Some of my information is supported by sources, and I include too many of my personal experiences.
I do not include my personal experiences when I could.

Very little of my information is supported by sources.

Sense of Audience

I anticipate questions and concerns that readers might have and address them thoroughly.

I address questions that readers might have.

I try to address questions that readers might have.

I do not address questions that readers might have.

Organization: Title

My title hints at the topic and makes readers curious.

My title tells readers what the writing is about.

My title attempts to give an idea of what the writing is about.

I do not have a title.

Organization: Introduction

My writing is organized around an important theme that is introduced in the beginning and makes readers want to read more.

My writing has a theme, and my introduction tells what the writing will be about.

My writing is about a topic and does not really have a theme, and my introduction is not clear in explaining what the writing is about.

My writing wanders all over the place, and I do not have an introduction.

Organization: Transitions

My transitions sound natural and connect ideas.

I use transitions to connect ideas.

I try to use transitions to connect ideas, but some of them do not sound natural.

I do not have transitions, and my ideas do not connect to each other.

Organization: Paragraphing

My paragraphs break the writing up to help the reader understand the topic.

I use paragraphs appropriately.

I have some paragraphs but there may be too many or too few.

I do not have paragraphs.

Organization: Conclusion

My conclusion leaves the reader with something important to think about.

My conclusion summarizes what the writing was about.

My conclusion is unclear in summarizing what the writing was about.

I do not have a conclusion.


The writing reflects my sincere commitment to the theme of the writing, and I include meaningful, personal details, if appropriate, to communicate the meaning of the topic.

I use some meaningful, personal details when it is appropriate.

I do not include meaningful, personal details, even when it would be appropriate.

I do not reveal anything about myself in the writing.

Connection with Reader

I connect with the readers by focusing on an important, interesting topic, and I provide compelling reasons why readers should learn about the topic.

I connect with the readers by explaining why the topic is important, and showing that I am interested in the topic.

I try to connect with the readers by explaining why the topic is important, but I do not show very much interest in the topic.

I write as if the writing is just an assignment to complete.

Language: Accuracy

I use accurate and appropriate language.

I use appropriate language.

I am sometimes careless about the language I use.

I do not pay very much attention to the language that I use.

Language: Word Choice

I use interesting words that paint pictures in the readers’ minds.

I use powerful and interesting words

I try to use powerful and interesting words.

I do not take the time to think of interesting words. 

Language: Technical Terms

I avoid using technical terms unless it is necessary, and I am careful to define them when I use them.

. I define technical terms when I use them.

I do not use technical terms if it is necessary.
I do not always define them.

I use many technical terms that are not defined.

Sentence Structure

I vary the length and structure of my sentences, and the beginnings of my sentences are varied and interesting.

I use different lengths of sentences and begin my sentences in different ways.

I try to vary the lengths and beginnings of my sentences, but many of them are the same.

Most of my sentences are about the same length and begin with the same words or similar structures.

Sentence Fluency

My writing has rhythm and sounds natural and beautiful when read aloud.

My writing sounds okay when it is read aloud.

My writing sounds choppy when read aloud.

My writing sounds disconnected and repetitive when read aloud.


I have no errors in spelling, punctuation, or capitalization and I use Standard English throughout the writing, yet I can, when appropriate, break the ”rules” of writing successfully for meaningful reasons.

I have no errors in spelling, punctuation, or capitalization that detract from meaning, and except for a rare example of non-Standard English, I use correct grammar and only break conventions for meaningful reasons.

I have some non-Standard English in my writing and some spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors that detract from the meaning.

I have so many spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors that readers find it difficult to understand my writing. I have a lot of non-Standard English in my writing.


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