Decision Making Rubric —Middle School






Finding Relevant Information

I know several strategies to help me find the information I need to make a good decision.

I know how to find the information I need to make a good decision.

With help, I can usually find the information I need to make a good decision.

I cannot find the information I need to make a decision.

Creating Options

I think of several possible choices when an important decision must be made.

I think of more than one option when I have to make an important decision.

When I have help, I can think of more than one option when I have to make an important decision.

I usually can only think of one possible choice when I have to make an important decision.

Weighing Options

I use a variety of reasoning strategies to weigh my options and choose the best one.

I think carefully about all my choices before I make a decision.

Unless someone reminds me, I often make decisions without thinking carefully about them.

I usually make important decisions quickly without thinking carefully about them.

Predicting Consequences

I predict the consequences of each of my decisions and think about the impact that they will have on others and me.

I think about the consequences of my decisions.

I have trouble thinking about what the consequences of my decisions will be.

I do not think about the consequences of my decisions.


I can explain the reasons for my decisions carefully and in detail.

I can thoroughly explain my decisions.

I have difficulty explaining the reasons for my decisions.

My explanations for my decisions are usually confusing and unclear.

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