Use of Heuristics Rubric—Middle School







I know a wide variety of strategies for solving different kinds of problems.

I know some strategies to help me solve problems.

I need help to think of strategies for solving problems.

I do not know any techniques for solving problems, so I have to ask someone else to solve problems for me.


I can choose appropriate methods for my learning style and the type of problem I have.

I can choose a method that works.

With help, I can choose an appropriate method for solving a problem.

I cannot choose a method that works for a specific problem.


I can modify the problem solving techniques I know and invent new techniques to help me solve problems.

I can change a problem solving technique so that it is more useful.

With help, I can change a problem technique so that it is more useful.

I can only use a heuristic exactly the way I learned it.

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