Problem Solving Rubric—Middle School






Identifying Problems

I anticipate different kinds of problems in complicated projects and think of ways to solve them before they happen.

I anticipate problems in complicated projects and think of ways to avoid them.

Sometimes I anticipate problems in complicated projects, but I usually do not think of ways to avoid them.

I have a hard time anticipating problems before they happen.

Identifying Relevant Information

I clearly identify important information needed to solve complex problems.

I separate important information from unimportant information when solving problems.

I sometimes need help identifying important information when solving problems.

I often miss important information when solving problems.

Analyzing Problems

I carefully analyze all the characteristics of a problem before I begin to solve it.

I think carefully about a problem before I try to solve it.

Sometimes, I start to solve a problem before I think about it.

I usually start to solve a problem before I think about it.

Using Strategies

I use the strategies and tools I learned and subject-area knowledge to solve problems, even when they are not school assignments.

I use subject-area strategies, tools, and knowledge to solve problems.

If I am reminded, I use subject-area strategies, tools, or knowledge to solve problems.

I do not use subject-area strategies, tools, or knowledge to solve problems.


I reflect on my problem solving processes, evaluate how well they are working, and make changes when necessary.

I reflect on my problem solving processes by thinking about what I did well and what I can do better.

I sometimes go back and think about how I solved a problem after I am finished.

I hardly ever go back and think about how I solved a problem after I am finished.

Communicating Solutions

I communicate my problem solving processes and results clearly and thoroughly.

I communicate my problem solving processes and results clearly.

If I have help, I can describe my problem solving processes.

I cannot describe my problem solving processes.


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