Discussion Rubric—Elementary






Listening with Intention

While listening to a discussion, I think about how other students’ comments relate to my knowledge and experiences. I think about other people’s comments on a subject before I make up my mind.

During a discussion, I think about what everyone is saying. I think about whether I agree or disagree with people’s comments and why.

During a discussion, my mind sometimes wanders and I think about other things. Sometimes, I think about whether I agree or disagree with people’s comments.

During class discussions, I usually am thinking of something else. I rarely think about whether I agree or disagree with people’s comments.


I always expect to learn something from a discussion. I like to hear what my classmates have to say about a topic.

I usually expect to enjoy a discussion. I usually like to hear what my classmates have to say about a topic.

I sometimes think I will enjoy a discussion. I sometimes like to hear what my classmates have to say about a topic.

I usually think discussions will be boring and a waste of time. I rarely like to hear what my classmates have to say about a topic.

Listening Actively

When I am not talking, I show I am interested in the discussion through appropriate body language, such as eye contact, smiling, and nodding.

I show that I am interested in the discussion.

Sometimes, I show that I am interested in a discussion, but at other times, I look like I am not paying attention.

My body language usually shows that I am not interested in the discussion.


I look for chances in a discussion to appropriately share my personal experiences, beliefs, and opinions. I think about what I am going to say before I speak. I use good reasons to support my opinions, and I explain where my information comes from.

I often share my personal experiences, beliefs, and opinions in a discussion.

Sometimes, if I am encouraged to, I share my personal experiences, beliefs, and opinions in a discussion.

I rarely speak during a discussion.

Creating Synergy

My comments during a discussion build on what others have said. I summarize and add to other people’s ideas. When appropriate, I ask my classmates to explain more about what they have said.

My comments during a discussion connect to what others have said. I often comment on what others have said. I ask questions.

My comments usually connect to what others have said, but sometimes I make comments that are off topic. Sometimes, I comment or ask questions about what others have said.

Sometimes when I speak, my comments are clearly not on the topic. I seldom make comments or ask questions about what others have said, unless it is to say that they are wrong.


I speak when I have something significant to add, but I am careful not to monopolize the discussion. I encourage all members of my class to participate by asking questions.

I speak when I think I have something important to say. I often encourage my classmates to participate by asking questions.

Sometimes, I do not speak at all, or I talk too much. I seldom encourage my classmates to participate.

I do not speak at all during discussions.


I talk all the time and do not give others a chance to contribute.

Providing Feedback

I disagree respectfully by looking for areas of agreement, if possible. I actively and enthusiastically show my appreciation for the good comments made by my classmates.

I disagree respectfully. I show my appreciation for good comments made by my classmates.

I usually disagree respectfully. Sometimes, I get angry and act disrespectfully.

I often get angry when I disagree with my classmates. I act disrespectfully.

Following Rules

I carefully follow the rules set by my class for a discussion.

I follow the discussion rules set by my class.

I usually follow the discussion rules set by my class, but sometimes I forget.

I have a lot of trouble following the discussion rules set by the class.

Accepting Criticism

I carefully consider respectful, intelligent criticism of my ideas. I change my mind if I need to.

I accept respectful, intelligent criticism of my ideas.

I usually accept criticism of my ideas. I sometimes get mad when people disagree with me.

I get mad when people criticize my ideas.


I take time to think about what I learned about a topic from a discussion. I apply my learning in the future.

I think about what I learned from a discussion.

If I am reminded, I think about what I learned from a discussion.

After a discussion, I usually do not think about what I learned from it.

Self-Assessing Participation

I look back and assess my participation in a discussion. I set goals for improving my skills during the next discussion.

I think about how well I did in a discussion. I try to do better in the next discussion.

Sometimes, I try to improve my discussion skills.

I hardly ever think about how I can improve my skills.

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