Website Writing Rubric—Elementary









The topic is narrow enough to be covered completely in a Web site.

The topic of the Web site is narrow.

The topic is too broad for a Web site.

The topic of the Web site is unclear.





My Web site covers the topic thoroughly. It includes detailed information.

My Web site has enough information.

My Web site is missing some information.

My Web site has very little information.





I use my research to make logical inferences. I draw meaningful conclusions about the topic.

I use my research to draw conclusions about the topic.

I try to draw conclusions about the topic. Some of my conclusions are not based on fact.

I do not draw any conclusions about the topic.





I get my information for my Web site from several good sources. Readers can easily find out where information came from.

I get my information from good sources. Readers can find out where the information came from.

I get my information from only a few sources. Readers cannot always find out where information came from.

I get my information from only one source. Readers cannot find out where my information came from.





I include some surprising and original ideas and graphics on my Web site to help readers understand the topic.

I include some surprising and original ideas on my Web site.

I try to include some surprising and original ideas on my Web site.

I do not try to present the content in original ways on my Web site.





I think about what my audience might like to know and what questions they might have when I make my Web site.

I include information that I think will interest my audience.

I sometimes think about my audience before I put information on my Web site.

I do not think about my audience when I put information on my Web site.

Site Organization




I plan my Web site carefully so readers can easily find what they need and go where they want.

I organize my Web site so readers can find their way around.

I try to organize my Web site.

My Web site is not organized. Readers often have trouble locating what they need or going where they want.

Page Organization




I use headings and subheadings to effectively help readers find what they need.

I use headings and subheadings appropriately on my pages.

I use some headings and subheadings on my pages.

I rarely or never use headings and subheadings on my Web site.

Web Features




I use lines, boxes, links, graphics, font sizes, and color to make my page interesting and to explain the topic.

I use some lines, boxes, links, graphics, font sizes, and color to make my page interesting.

I try to use Web features.

I do not use Web features on my Web site.





I use interesting words to accurately explain what I mean and make my writing come alive.

I use interesting words to accurately explain my topic.

I try to use the right words to explain my topic.

I use words without thinking very much about whether they are the right ones or not. My language is usually predictable and ordinary.





I follow copyright laws with all the content on my Web site.

I follow copyright laws with all the content on my Web site, but I may make some minor mistakes.

I do not follow copyright laws with some of the content on my Web site.

I do not follow copyright laws with most of the content on my Web site.





I carefully check my spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. My We site does not have any mistakes.

I check my spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. My Web site does not have any mistakes that confuse readers.

I sometimes check my spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. My Web site has some mistakes that confuse readers.

I do not check my spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. My Web site has many mistakes that confuse readers.

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