Blog Rubric—Elementary









My blog has a clear purpose and is about an important topic.

My blog is about a clear topic.

My blog is mostly about one topic, but sometimes my blog is off subject.

My blog appears to be about unrelated topics.





My blog entries are accurate and interesting. I use the information from my research to draw original conclusions about the topic.

My blog entries are accurate. I use information from my research to draw conclusions about the topic.

Most of my blog entries are accurate. I try to draw some conclusions, but my entries are not always based on facts. I sometimes paraphrase or quote information from other sources.

My blog entries are often inaccurate. I rarely draw conclusions. I usually just copy information from other sources.





I get a great deal of information from reliable sources outside the classroom. I cite my sources correctly.

I get some information from reliable sources outside the classroom. I only make minor errors when citing my sources.

Most of my information comes from my own opinions without any reference to sources. When I do cite my sources, I make some errors.

My information is just my opinion without any sources to back it up.





I think about who I want to read my blog. I write about what will interest my audience. I make statements and ask questions to get readers to respond to my blog.

I think about my audience. I try to write about what will interest them. I encourage my readers to respond to my blog.

I sometimes think about my audience. I try to write about what will interest them, but sometimes, I just write about what interests me or what is easy to find information about.

I rarely think about my audience. I write about topics that are only interesting to me.





My writing shows that I care deeply about the topic I am writing about. I clearly want my readers to understand my point of view.

My writing shows that I care about the topic I am writing about.

Sometimes, my writing shows that I care about the topic I am writing about.

My writing shows that I am just completing an assignment and do not care about the topic.





My writing style is interesting and appropriate for my audience. I have no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or sentence structure.

My writing style is understandable. If I have any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure, they do not take away from my message.

I try to write so my audience can understand my message. Errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure sometimes make my message hard to understand.

My writing is confusing and often does not make sense.





I write blog entries with new information and thoughts at least once a week, without being reminded.

I write blog entries with new information and thoughts at least every 10 days or so, without being reminded.

If I am reminded, I write in my blog at least once every two weeks.

Even when I am reminded, I often do not write in my blog for weeks at a time.

Extra Features




I include features such as graphics, photos, and links to add meaning and interest to my blog.

I include features such as graphics, photos, and links in my blog.

I include some features such as graphics, photos, and links in my blog, but the features sometimes take away from my blog’s purpose.

I do not include any extra features in my blog, or the features I include do not make sense.





I use language and blog features in surprising and unusual ways to communicate my message.

I use language and blog features in interesting ways to communicate my message.

I try to use language and blog features in surprising ways to communicate my message, but my attempts sometimes just take away from my message.

I do not try to use language and blog features in surprising ways.

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